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On Sandal's Field Of Ghosts

On Sandal’s Field Of Ghosts.


Mist hangs over fields -

ahead, the castle looms where

died the Duke Of York.


At the willows three

a chill permeates the air

and touches nerve ends.


Here fell the Yorkist

hope – body mutilated

and dragged through the mud.



His head sent on to York to

top a traitors spike.



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battle of wakefield 1460deathduke of yorkghostshaikusandal castle

It seemed just a pebble

A little pebble

Dropt into so small a pool.

Such enormous waves.

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-Did you sleep with him?
-Oh, boy! I pardon you! Well…
I just took a nap.

Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)
The 7th of July, 2013

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Haiku about Dad

His whistle echo's

The memories of my mind

Really miss my dad

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My Couch

I love you my couch.

It looks as you are the one

who understands me.


The 18th of April, 2013

Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

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I Love You

I love you so much

but in a different form.

Accept it as such.


LR (Odessa, Ukraine)

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The Ole Fishin Hole (Haiku)

The ole fishin hole

Toss a stone it make ripples

Water has turned green.

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Random Haikus I've posted on Facebook

Sat here on facebook.
Should be writing poetry.
"Stop messing! Start work!"


Writing a haiku
about writing a haiku
is really boring.


She always uses
angry alliteration;
it's so annoying!

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Sweet Isabella

Baby girl is home

Mom and dad so very proud

Sweet little baby

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