NATURE (Remove filter)
formed in v they fly
o’er top o’me
bellies, usually driven snow,
this morning
honey dipped in hiemal morning’s glow
til’ falling, scrap and skreel
fo’ morsels discarded
by genteel and boor
for there is no inequity
in commission to cloy the
ever open maw
Wednesday 27th November 2013 12:49 pm
You say I'm a dreamer
And so I may be
But the dreams I have aren't just for me
They're for you and all to see
The dream is love,
Is life and joy
A dream of peace
Of shelter from the storm
The dream is the lifeblood
Flowing through my veins
The dream will always be
All to see all that remains
You say I'm a dreamer
I tend to agree
But I dream not ...
Saturday 16th November 2013 1:33 am
River Prayers
from between the leaves
the shafts fall and draw
a hundred golden atria
shining through
the stained organics
of liquid glass
to the cloistral faithful
swimming beneath
Thursday 29th August 2013 8:12 pm
The Thief of Creation
The Thief of Creation
…………a trillion years in the making –
We’re staking our claim to this ball,
But there ain’t nothing left of
The green and the blue,
For it’s all become degraded
Material going back to soup,
A life-cycle finished
By greed and industry, commerce
And we’re diminished of all responsibility
For the death of the Whale
The shr...
Monday 26th August 2013 4:55 am
Oh, mighty planet of fire and of ice,
you are the bounty of life
and of all things ever made.
You belong in all worlds especially ours
where the frozen water at your poles
and the fire at your middle heart
make all life yours to control.
Creatures of fire swim in
seas of molten lava
while beings of ice glide
over infinite frozen ice la...
Sunday 7th July 2013 5:59 pm
spring billed jack
the jackdaws bruised the garden today
borrowing sticks, stealing hay
the sticks we can eventually have back they say
once seasoned by the summer’s fray
I tell them they can keep them anyway
Monday 1st April 2013 7:01 pm
The Bride of Necklace of Tales
Wednesday 6th March 2013 8:04 pm
A Crying Shame
Shame - the greatest shambles; a sham
sex and guilt, beauty and modesty; molest
pitted in the stomach like acid,
spat swallowed pity, feeding starvation, an unquenchable famish, unsensibly sore
malnourished habits die hard, and lonely, resentfully
twisting and turning and diving, deprived
Lies for eyes, for ears and the nose; twitch
flies on the flesh of ...
Friday 25th January 2013 5:48 pm
The Cocoon
The curtains a cocoon
which I have outgrown
crushing me
though I dare not venture out
my wings maimed
by an internal eternity.
Some days they open
as the sunlight shines
and snow falls
yet it remains a parallel world
a door to an unfamiliar universe
remains locked.
Even inside plates pile up
like a porcelain possum
they ...
Monday 21st January 2013 1:36 pm
Giants of the Earth
Watch silently as earthly rumbles deep,
And as the world below drifts off to sleep,
A ghostly peak, refreshed beyond the glare.
Beauty in the vast, unparalleled,
Iridescent on one side of two,
Overcoat, to cast off; overdue,
Tremble underneath where others dwelled.
Tyrants roam, to crumble at their feet,
Crushed, reanimated in the wel...
Tuesday 15th January 2013 9:38 pm
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