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Love (Remove filter)

The last night remembered and spent

Tugging the stockings out the drawer

Clasp up clips, leave suit on the floor

Zip up my boots, apply more mascara

Anticipate nervously the oncoming drama


Start the engine on cold autumn night

You wanted me there, and I cannot fight

Tired, unsure, aware of the time

Knowing your impatience, I blur the white line


Bright lights feed confidence, feeling unf...

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lovelove poetrylove poem


Girl of the planet come to me now and show me your inner soul,
set my mind on fire with your eternal strength.
Goddess of the oceans and rivers, bathe me
in your watery embrace and solitude.
Queen of the deserts and of the shifting sands, fling
a sandstorm at my door, hide me in your deep Sahara.
Angel of the watery skies, blow me away with you...

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mystical femininityplanet earthmother naturenatural landscapeslovewomanman

Broken Alone

The trees, so hidden well by thickened wood,
While senses hide behind the deep despair,
He, ridiculed by those that can’t but should
And persecuted by those that once did care.

As fingers point and clone the loaded gun;
They choose a victim crying on his knees,
To watch him beg for solitude, in one
And disregard his perennial pleas.

The rights and wrongs of progress bliste...

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Banished from Eden



The torch has turned, flame extinguished.

Roses and lilies, once love’s bouquet,

now wilted wreath. I wear the silver locket

tarnished to jet in anger. I rage, snip and shave

the hair you nestled in, that you forbade me to trim

Against all fashionable whim.  I relish the pain

knowing fresh ink on skin will repel you.


Cuckolded by your wife, I curl c...

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lovelove poetrylove poem

The Language Of Love


The language of love is one we both know, it is in the eyes where passions show,        and in the rhythm of the pounding heart, the place where all true love does start...           
Love is a language of touch and caress, in kisses that bring out the very best, of communication at the depths of the soul, love is a language that has i...

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You made a commitment to me

and I believed in you.

Then you went back to your wife

like married men do.


You told her about us

unexpected, out of the blue.

Suits packed by your front door

and I waited like a fool.


All those words you said and wrote,

they were not followed through.

Now left without meaning,

how could you be so cruel?



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lovelove poetry

Spring Tanka

A winter bite that

mocks the spring, pincers its cocoon.

A life supported?

Cease one's internal decay,

Even ice melts. Love's fluidity.

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WinterIceSpringThawCocoonMeltLifeMental HealthDepressionAnxietySelf-doubtLoveHonestySelf-beliefSelf-esteemNurturingNurtureSupportSupportingCareCaringLovingConsiderateCompassionCompassionateGrowGrowingPainSufferingLearnLearningDiscoverDiscoveryDiscoveringNaPoWriMo

Ottava Riva - NaPoWriMo Day 8

Another attempt at my paternal tongue.

Un altro tentativo di mia lingua paterna.

And though I beam with pride as I'm learning.

E anche se mi fascio con orgoglio, come sto imparando.

I'm aware that translated, the metre is wrong.

Sono consapevole del fatto che tradotto, lo strumento è sbagliato.

But this language pulsates to my yearning.

Ma questo linguaggio pu...

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ItalyItalianRomeRomanPaternalFatherFamilyLoveSelf-discoveryDiscoverySelf-awarenessAwarenessHonestyGrowthInspirationInspirationalMetaphorPoetryOttava RivaOttava Riva formIambic PentametreMetreVerseLyricSpoken WordBi-lingualMultinationalGlobalPoeticInnovativeThe Five Faces of FulliUshiku CrisafulliCrisafulliNaPoWriMo

For Maggie - NaPoWriMo Day 6

Before you start reading this piece, I'd like to take your attention for one moment to remember Maggie Turner, the woman whom this piece is about. She was a firecracker of a woman and one of the most inspiring, intelligent, opinionated, caring, compassionate people I've ever known. She said what she thought and wore her heart on her sleeve. Not enough people in this world do that, and I love he...

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Maggie TurnerMemoryMemoriesVADATheatreLGBTLoveFriendshipPersonalityRemembering

Beat to my own drum - NaPoWriMo Day 5


Saint Stephen's tale

It's Friday, sweets from Mrs Smith

Degeneration X and anarchy

Frankie's words: two tables, four chairs, suspension.

Discovered passing the buck, and thus passed it.

Stole the show with Twenty-one Questions, four dancers, and a singer.

First girlfriend changed everything, "You're young, she has baggage - get rid..." … did...

A pla...

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MemoryChildhoodSyllablesNaPoWriMoPoetryRapR+BMordorSauronLOTRLord of the RingsTolkienWrestlingWWEWWFHBKDXDegeneration XSchoolPrimary SchoolSecondary SchoolCollegeHostelHomelessnessLoveLossDepressionAnxietySuicideFightsArgumentsFathersTeachersMothersSistersFriendsTruthRejoiceRebirthPhoenixLightCandleBirthdaysYearsTaleStoriesPeopleMemories

Irish Sea

The waves carry you and I to meet

each creeps a little closer to my feet


                              I am waiting inside the rain for you.*

I retreat, stung by approaching tide

I turn my back and try to hide


                            The blistered, bitter rain that engulfs me.*

Hopelessly pulled back, my mind

succumbs to salty kisses entwined


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lovelove poetryNaPoWriMoNatioanl Poetry Writing Month

Traces of you

As I sit upon

This empty bed

White cotton frayed

From nights

That punctuate 

This thin veneer

Of wakefulness

I look for traces of you.

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The Clown

The Clown


This make-up’s dried upon my face,

gone cracked with age and wear.

I can’t remove this absurd mask.

You’ll never know how much I care.


The girl with pretty eyes will smile,

the clown, so sad, will sigh.

Another chance has passed away.

Another star lights the sky.


You see the clown and laugh at him,

I turn away and cry,


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clownlovelost loveunrequited love

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