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“Darling! Are you in the bath?”




“Darling! Are you in the bath? I’m going
down to the chippy. Do you want a couple

of plaice? They were very good last week. Do
you remember? You had a carton of curry with

your chips! Dearest! I’m just popping out now!
Shouldn’t be long. Do you want some salt and

vinegar? I might call in at ‘the duck’ for one
while they’re frying! Shall I bring you a bro...

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bathrainbrown aleplaicechips

A Small Bud

A small bud, withered

But just a few drops of rain

Beautiful flower.



I was inspired to write

this haiku after reading

Nigel Astell's poem/comment

on my poem "Despair".

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Falling rain the colour of steel, cast down by the wind blown clouds.

Count the drops in the million, a never-ending torrent drowning the land,

better stay indoors or you’re in for a swim.

See it beat upon your window like a madmen with a drum,

the power of nature in all her ragged glory.



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torrentbad weatherrainwetnature

The first of January's nights

I was looking at that window thinking

there's someone I love in there - 

and she was


I looked at your window later

waving a thousand times - 

and yet couldn't stop


I'm looking at that dim lit window

as cold rain struggles to freeze white -


And in there are my mad life's beauties,

as I lean against the first of January's nights

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