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or... Written version

To us its just a little truck, but to him………………. Its like buried treasure
The joy of digging it out the toy box…….
Just fills his world with pleasure!
You see to big people its just a little toy, a truck that’s red and yellow
But when HE! sees it, its like a long lost friend t...

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Childrenlightcarstoy carsHappinesslovebrum

The Old Broken Doll













In an old house

I found an

old doll.


It looked worn

and scuffed and

like it had

taken a fall.


Her arms were

torn and all

out of kilter.


She was lying

in some kind

of dirty old filter.


Her face was

chipped, broken

and her smile missing.



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I awoke to howling empty screams

and then I knew.

That all the children of the town

were turned to seagulls.


Soaring and wheeling over their old homes

where mothers are busy frying bacon.


They don't understand.

Where has the old school gone

where they were slow to go?

Why are cars parked up on the island

where they used to pitch their tents?


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Ginger's Marriage


Ginger cat decides to marry.

His pussycat lives in the yard.

Tri-color coat she wears wary,

On her lips – a beautiful pomade.

A manicure, eye-lashes, a hat …

Ginger loved all that in his  pussycat.

It was her birthday when he

Made her ​​an offer his wife to be.

Pussycat loved ginger, it was not a spoof,

Wedding ceremony was made on the roof.

An old ...

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The Unknown Child


I am the unknown child the stork didn't bring,
my mother struck down during endless bombing,
no chance had I to ever see the light of dawn,
or graduate from milk to rusks made from corn.
The web can reveal the millions that died in war,
those that were soldiers and sailors and more,
the many others who died without raising a fist,
but who counted the babi...

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