christian poetry (Remove filter)
Reframing "Adam and Eve"
So much is lost
in our English translations.
The hurt feelings and damaged souls of our generation,
Cloud our eyes to the poetics of our founding story.
For “Adam” was made from “Adamah”
That being, “Humanity” was made from “The dirt”.
The relationship between
Man and Woman,
For “Isha” was named before “Ish”
That being,
While man may have indeed came first,
...Sunday 29th May 2022 2:27 am
All is not lost
Do not be fooled
Do not turn away
You have been given a sign that cannot be denied
Out of grace, you have not been abandoned.
God is still good
God is still the loving Father
The ones who end in hell
Choose that for themselves
by being stubborn
by being deceitful
by being arrogant
by being spiteful
The age of the Gentiles is not over with the rapt...
Sunday 29th May 2022 2:24 am
Next of Kin
A kinship with the creator God?
what nonsense is this?
He who speaks and the stars form, wants me?
Who are you to tell me such things?
Who are you to say what I am?
Is my actions not proof enough of my worth?
Be rid of me, let me be.
For who am I to offer anything?
And who am I, the one who desires nothing?
and yet all the pleasures to be had in the meantime?
...Friday 20th May 2022 5:39 pm
Bark and Bare
a lone tree, hollowed and rotted through.
the wind blows, the senses dulled.
the fires have long since passed,
the truth revealed in the glimpses past all the dead branches.
The promise of Spring can’t come soon enough.
my branches long for the warmth,
clothed in leaves and bearing fruit of plenty.
The day will come, there is no doubt of that,
but when?
But as ...
Friday 20th May 2022 5:38 pm
Another one
Father. King of the heavens.
I am so enamored by your ways.
You are like the greatest gemstone,
Whose infinite faces reflect on all you create.
In the face of such complexity,
so tiresome to stand here in awe.
My soul yearns for you.
Yet my heart is so weary, my flesh desires rest.
to immerse myself in your words seems so cumbersome,
and my addictions weigh on me so...
Friday 20th May 2022 5:37 pm
A psalm of my own
O, God, my God
So close to my heart
Yet so far away.
I have been blessed
Aware of the story you are.
All around us
Connecting the shadows
Into their vast array.
O, God, my Jesus
How faithful and beloved
How I long for the
Day and the hour.
I pray you guide me here.
My shepherd. I am lost.
I do not feel safe in my own
Flesh. Sacrificed, ...
Friday 20th May 2022 5:36 pm
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