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pain (Remove filter)

Walk the wight

Walk the wight

With all your might

through sights similar to Honiton

which isn't too unlike Hobbiton


Names and faces are carried through an aching 33 miles

With care and thought all the while

Here we reflect and remember

the lost souls of our dark Decembers


We start off four in our fellowship

With hopes of seeing off our hardship

To cross a finish line is ou...

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Walk the wightwalkFeetpainlord often ringshobbit

chronic pain

i'm sick of doing the best i can
because it isn't ever enough
if I can't be good,
what's the point of being here at all?

I never sleep well anymore
even though I tell the doctors I sleep fine
I just stare at the ceiling
and live through the lives of others

sit in class with an ache behind my eyes
I can't even tell if the pain is real
excedrin can only do so much
and I think my toler...

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Treading Water

We sit across from eachother

Our hands clasped tightly over the table

And in this moment we have everything

And yet we have nothing at the same time

Eyes locked on our targets 

I can see your soul 

It's calling me like a beacon 

And I feel awoken 

We lean in closer to this moment 

Feeding off the energy like vultures to flesh 

I could drown in those blue eyes

If I ...

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Feelings we cannot ignore.. 
Insecurity and jealousy 
prying open the door 
we had closed so tightly

When we had agreed 
not to take things so seriously
The intensity overwhelms me 
Lets just be friends and see..

"maybe its possilble
its impossible
let's just try
please don't cry 
I am yours, commited don't you see
I don't belong to you,
nor you to me 
but don't get it confuse...

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A beautiful curse

Your presence in my life was a gift 
for you showed me what I had missed 
The deepest emotions, you showed me they exist 

A love so deep is a beautiful curse 
for the harder you love 
the deeper it hurts

So now I find myself in agony 
Learning to live with missing what once was 
As well as never knowing what could've been. 

Robyn Holmes 
scribbles of a broken heart 


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Ode to Percy…(a cats best friend)

Watching the leaves fall

Standing so tall

Waiting at the window

I still wonder

It wasn't so long ago



I can still see us

Haunting shadows in the dusk

Running, fighting, climbing

Making footprints in the snow



Your furry figure lingers at the edges of my mind

Gone but not forgotten

Your smile runs to hide



Sunny days fade away

As you...

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50 cents

Every time you ask me a question I nod my head,

I’d rather be lying than dead.

“Do you believe in god, are your priorities straight?”

Stop treating me like I’m eight.


Every time you say “I love you” Is it really true?

Or am I dreaming of normal parents,

A better version of you.


The yelling is constant and won’t stop.

All the daggers you stabbed me with are sharp.


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Sorrow's Bounty

In a world of plenty, where joy should reign,

A soul wanders lost, drowning in pain.

He has it all, or so it seems,

Yet inside, he's adrift in shattered dreams.


Possessions many, but feelings in drought,

Tears concealed, smiles worn throughout.

Once in a while, breaks down unseen, 

In the quiet ache, where joy's been.


Everything's there, yet nothing to hold,

A ...

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Acknowledge me

It reaches further than "please fuck me" or "don’t touch me"

It’s a liminal in-between 

A line we like to call blurry

But I never asked you to undress me

My body abandoned me

My words went slurry

Tongue too thick to go beyond a mumble

Kind sir escorted me to save me from stumble

Four times play on my mind

One of them I even forgot

Until it accosted me during a usual d...

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