The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

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ken eaton-dykes

Wed 7th Dec 2016 12:10


Just as well the human spirit is capable of adapting to whatever it's born into.

Merry Christmas Ken

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 21st Nov 2016 12:28

thanks for the comments on USMF MC - and some insightful commentary on past presidents. As you know I'm a big JFK fan - and although he had his faults I think deep down he was on 'OK Joe' - I don't think that can be said of the President Elect now in any way, shape or form

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ken eaton-dykes

Thu 17th Nov 2016 09:43


Many thanks for your comment on Armistice Day.

Life's story for us Critters is without exception completed on a sour note.

We all die at the end of it

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Ian Whiteley

Sun 13th Nov 2016 12:18

thanks for commenting on 'red poppies on an autumn day' MC - glad you liked it - I appreciate you taking the time to comment

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 31st Oct 2016 14:53

thanks for your i9nsightful and supportive comments on 'Fairy Cakes' MC - I've responded on the blog as I needed to answer both yours and Stu's point in a 'contrast and compare' way.
Thanks for commenting as always

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David Cooke

Mon 17th Oct 2016 17:03

Hi M.C. Thanks for comment on Dylan poem. I gave it another airing because of the Nobel which, personally, I can't take seriously even though I love him as a performer. That poem is important to me because it was the first poem I wrote after a 20 year hiatus and I have written and published loads since 2008.

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steve mellor

Sun 25th Sep 2016 17:19

Very funny
One simple comment made me think what I'd feel like when folk stopped telling me I looked well.
I think I'm getting close

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ken eaton-dykes

Sun 25th Sep 2016 11:07

Thank's MC

Yes it's nice being able to take the mick, without the fear of losing one's head. That's true democracy.

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Wed 21st Sep 2016 12:54

Hi MC thanks for the comment on Our House, I seem to remember it being a regular event at our house on a Sunday. Hazel

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Sarah Hill

Sat 3rd Sep 2016 23:22

Thank you for the response to my Grief poetry and yes, witty will always override pity if given half a chance. Always opt for humor

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steve mellor

Sat 27th Aug 2016 21:47

Really pleased you enjoyed Fatty McL. It came about from listening to a good friend.
Thanks again for taking the time to write

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George lawson

Tue 23rd Aug 2016 19:17

Hello again M C. I myself have whined over the most trivial things,but my daughter and grandson say my attitude is Vicorian and that I live in the past, but it's my past,and I'll cherish it for the rest of my life, have a nice day ?

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George lawson

Sun 21st Aug 2016 18:12

Hello again M C I have been fortunate enough to have you comment on my efforts a year or two ago, I wrote under my username Oldlancsman but ill health got in my way ,but all is well now and I'm happy you enjoyed my piece, thank you for your comment. have a nice day☺

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Tommy Carroll

Tue 16th Aug 2016 18:15

Sorted ;- )

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ken eaton-dykes

Sat 6th Aug 2016 09:47

Thanks for the comment MC always appreciated


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David Cooke

Thu 28th Jul 2016 17:36

Hi M.C. Glad that the tape recorder poem brought back some memories!

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<Deleted User> (13947)

Tue 7th Jun 2016 21:46

Thank you Mark for your comment on Library :)

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Ian Whiteley

Mon 23rd May 2016 23:38

thanks for the kind comments on 'Bayonet In The Shed' MC - wow - Kipling you say (hopefully the poet not the baker) thanks for the kind compliment - what with you and your Kipling and Stu referencing Billy Bragg - don't know whether to go old school or protest/punk. It's lined up to be rattled out as a song on my next CD - will have to decide quickly which direction to take it - thanks once again

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Ronnie leek

Tue 17th May 2016 18:51

Hey MC, thanks for taking the time to read and comment on my, The dog who died. Very kind. Ronnie

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Lynn Dye

Tue 26th Apr 2016 20:01

Hi MC,
Sorry for delay in answering.

I acknowledge the EU is far from perfect, but I am of the mind that we would have to deal with them anyway, and we may be better off trying to change things from within rather than being outside with no say at all.

Yes, you are right I did mean safer financially. The problem as I see it is that we do not have all the industries we once had, and much of what is left is foreign owned. Our energy companies and utilities and most of our rail network are owned by EU countries.

Half our exports go to EU, and if we will still want to deal with them we would still have to abide by their rules. They are likely to slap import duties on our goods if we are no longer part of the EU.

While we may be paying them billions we get some of this back, and some have even argued that we get back more than we contribute. There seems to be no way of knowing for sure.

To be honest I am more concerned with Theresa May wanting to take us out of the ECHR but that is a separate subject.

Of course I don't know what the outcome of the vote will be but I do tend to believe that floating voters who are still unsure in June will either not vote at all or vote for the status quo, as better the devil you know.

However, we shall see.

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ken eaton-dykes

Mon 25th Apr 2016 16:24

Hi M.C. Always nice to get a good reaction from you.

Thanks. Ken

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Gareth Glyn Roberts

Sat 16th Apr 2016 12:19

Thank you MC! Couldn't agree more about Afternoon Tea :)

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Robert Mann

Fri 8th Apr 2016 20:04

Mark - thanks for the 'like' on Anxious Audience. I suppose the button having been pressed has to have an alternative for those that change their minds, but I agree it seems sort of churlish.

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Ian Whiteley

Wed 6th Apr 2016 00:09

thanks for the comments and thoughts on 'Catechism' MC - we can only hope that we would be prepared to make that stand - but until we are tested, I guess we just don't know

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steve mellor

Tue 8th Mar 2016 19:47

I do appreciate the comment regards my Referendum piece. Just a bit of fluff, but ....
And BOGOF, you couldn't make it up could you

Thanks again

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Mat Woolfenden

Mon 7th Mar 2016 23:13

Enjoyed your 'Johnny Cash' composition, good fun.

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David Franks

Sun 6th Mar 2016 14:13

Enjoyed your Thoughts at Christmas, M.C.

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Sat 20th Feb 2016 14:38

ths s really nice...

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Sat 16th Jan 2016 23:24

I just realized you added another comment to The Warren House Inn. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I went on a classic rail trip to Buckingham from Kings X in Jan. 63 steam hauled throughout, and believe you me those carriages were freezing! Imagine the moor then - and of course some locos ran backwards with no protection for the enginemen. Ray

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Martin Elder

Wed 13th Jan 2016 18:39

Hi M.C.
I still have memories of the Jacques lossier trio playing that familiar piece of Bach. On high days and holidays I would occasionally switch to king edwards cigars. You are of course right about having a pint with a hamlet, very nice!
i have occasionally trolled through some of the old adverts on you tube. I think my favourites were probably the late Leonard Rossiter and Joan Collins in the cinzano ad's

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Tue 12th Jan 2016 01:28

Hi MC, thanks for your comment on 'Shut up..' - I appreciate you taking the time to read and comment. As for ensuring a woman (or a man, for that matter) is content, I really believe only the person themselves can do so, it's not up to anyone else. I wonder, too, if contentment is the goal. For me, at least at the moment, I think the goal is finding the courage to voice my experience/ thoughts etc.
Thanks again.

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Stuart Burton

Mon 11th Jan 2016 14:19

Great work! I really enjoyed reading. I love an air of positivity.

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Ian Whiteley

Tue 5th Jan 2016 16:02

thanks very much for commenting on Black Christmas - really pleased that you liked it. The profession is a hard one - and mothers would never want their sons to go down a mine - but, as I learned from school mates - sometimes that's all there was in order to make a living - at a time when there was a stigma to the alternative - being on the dole. Apologies for not responding sooner - I really must get my act together in 2016. Cheers

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Anita Connor

Mon 14th Dec 2015 13:49

Hi MC, thank you for your lengthy comment on my poem Friends.

Anita Connor

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Thu 10th Dec 2015 18:33

hiya M.C. Nice to here from you again and glad you enjoyed my piece ,I will endevour to keep you amused. have a nice day.

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Tommy Carroll

Sat 21st Nov 2015 16:27

With permission M.C.: "...We must all write things down and leave a thread because if we don't who will listen". Regards Wendy . Indeed.

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Sun 8th Nov 2015 06:21

Thankyou for your comments having my mum with eltzimers for 25years and seeing her laugh and crying when she was ill and not even knowing or liking me most of the time because of her illness. There are reasons for hoping our future can be free from hatred for our children's sake Regards Wendy

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Sun 1st Nov 2015 06:57

Thankyou for your comment much appreciated ,we all have to hope peace will come some day .Not in my life time but have hope for the next generation .it is a very cruel world and things have to change .We must all write things down and leave a thread because if we don't who will listen Regards Wendy .

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Sat 31st Oct 2015 16:38

Hi MC, my thanks for commenting on 'Exposure' - and congratulations on winning out against the powers that be. :) Best wishes, Dave

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<Deleted User> (8659)

Thu 29th Oct 2015 09:42

Hi M.C. I very much appreciate your feedback on 'Reasonable Behaviour'-putting a smile on somebody's face puts a smile on my face. Ledger

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Ian Whiteley

Tue 27th Oct 2015 20:03

MC - I think you may have fallen into the trap that one or two others did about 'We Are The Dead'. It wasn't written about me and it wasn't looking for a reaction - it was written about a friend who passed away recently - and I felt he hadn't fulfilled his amazing talents as a musician, partly because he let those other things take over his life. Thanks for commenting

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Wed 21st Oct 2015 21:21

Thanks Mark for comments on The Miner....
Glad you liked the style - it's a challenge to keep to simple rhyme but hopefully it has an impact.

cheers. Ray

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steve mellor

Tue 20th Oct 2015 18:26

Thanks for taking the time to comment on Penalised.
I am an Englishman living in Scotland, and got (and still getting) tired of listening (local TV) to the moans. Apart from anything else, Oz scored 5 tries to 3, which I've always believed was what rugby was supposed to be about.

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Ian Whiteley

Sun 18th Oct 2015 19:41

thanks for your, as usual, insightful comments on 'Don't Pay The Poets' MC - I think you're pretty close to the mark in what you say - and as I perform on pretty much the same circuit as Laura - let me tell you, it is prevalent to pay musicians, but not poets, even on the same bill. So these are cases where you've paid your dues, done the open mics and someone wants to put you on and present your words. Showing my hand here, but I never turn the gigs down - but the more it's given for free the more it's expected. Still, it is REALLY nice when you do get paid and certainly gives a lift to your self esteem

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Ian Whiteley

Sun 11th Oct 2015 23:41

thanks for the kind words on 'On The Slag Heap' MC - once again I've been away too long and let the kind supportive comments go uncommented upon. You are right about the foreign ownership - whilst this government offers contracts for Power Stations to the Chinese, we break our own industry and let it die for want of Brtish ownership - a crying shame for all the families affected in that area and other 'northern' power(less) houses *ouch*

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Thu 8th Oct 2015 22:35

just an extra comment Mark. I love Tavistock, as it has a robust feel to it, possibly due to it being a stannary town. There is a sense that it has a powerful history , and apart from all this I just love the sound of it. I think I'm right in thinking Lustleigh is on the moor. Again one of my favourites places, as I cycled right over it in 1960 as a young lad - diabolical hills and excruciating; but such experiences ultimately endear one to the adversary!

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Thu 8th Oct 2015 22:35

just an extra comment Mark. I love Tavistock, as it has a robust feel to it, possibly due to it being a stannary town. There is a sense that it has a powerful history , and apart from all this I just love the sound of it. I think I'm right in thinking Lustleigh is on the moor. Again one of my favourites places, as I cycled right over it in 1960 as a young lad - diabolical hills and excruciating; but such experiences ultimately endear one to the adversary!

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Thu 8th Oct 2015 22:27

Thank you Mark. Very kind; and I have checked Jeffrey Farnol out and see where how make your comparison - although I am unfamiliar with his work. There may be a trace of Thomas Hardy in the period and idea? I tried to stay true to the period; an experiment for me.!

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Thu 8th Oct 2015 22:26

Thank you Mark. Very kind; and I have checked Jeffrey Farnol out and see where how make your comparison - although I am unfamiliar with his work. There may be a trace of Thomas Hardy in the period and idea? I tried to stay true to the period; an experiment for me.!

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Lynn Hamilton

Thu 1st Oct 2015 20:05

Thank you for your comment on Nodding Bitch and you have given me some food for thought. Apologies for the late reply. Thanks again for reading.

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