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Love Triangle

Late rainy autumn was standing near the window,
she was waiting for the wind to come
-Where are you, my naughty fellow?
-Where are you caring along, my charm?

She was irritated by his carelessness,
she was angry with his frivolity
But still admired his appearance,
and still was charmed by his self-confidence.

Autumn was always a woman,
red-haired and very susceptible,
a little ...

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I Am the Wind

I am the Wind,
I am a personification of freedom.
The whole Earth presents my kingdom.
That only one can be my wife
whose soul is free,
who understands my life.


Trust me and I’ll show you what freedom is.
But…don’t be in a hurry, please!
My gift of freedom is eternity,
it comes together with paternity.
My breathing is the God’s touch.


Just close your eyes
and you will fee...

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