The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

woman (Remove filter)

I Am a Woman


I am a woman up to the tips of my hair.

I am a woman by spirit and nature.

Like no one, I’ve got an innate flair.

As no one, I need a daily rapture.


I can make an elephant out of a fly,

My ‘yes’ a man can never deny.


I do not burn in the fire,

In the water, I do not sink,

I know exactly who is a liar,

And know what a man thinks.


Of course, I can st...

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It's good to be a woman

It's good to be a woman at 30 years old.

 You can even ask for vodka to be cold.

At thirty you have something to surprise,

And see the excitement in his eyes.

When you are forty he nervously trembles.

 Hundred-year old man with Viagra gambles.

It's good to be a woman at the age of fifty

 Climax has already passed, you are shifty.

It's good to be a woman at the age of sixty.


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Don’t be afraid when a woman shouts 
Or she shyly asks your whereabouts.
Be afraid when she is quiet,
The whole month she is on diet.
Be afraid when she tells you lies.
That’s how any love dies,
And here is no use of cries.
Larisa Rzhepishevska

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