The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

winter (Remove filter)

Shall We Meet December Soon?

Shall we meet December soon?

November is just for a week.

Shall we meet a new moon?

Will you show me the trick?



What have I noticed at my age?

The time flies, New Year comes.

I'll write carefully a new life page,

A page will be without any harms.



The time of the year suddenly changes,

I had no time to see many stranges.

I hope that my heart will be...

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The 22nd of December

The longest night, the shortest day
The 22nd of December.
The Sun turns into another way
Putting more warmth into the amber, 
Into the humans hearts that pray
For love, for peace, for happiness, 
For Merry Christmas, kindness…
The Sun has got its own reasons
To differentiate the seasons. 
And Jesus Christ birth
On our beautiful Earth
Was also the Suns grace
From the magic space.


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The Winter's Tale


It’s amazing to watch the frost’s work.

It made the sea side a fairy tale.

The frost’s quirk made the sea not for a sail.


The silence is all around.

For a while the time stands still.

The seagulls  can’t swill.


Like in the realm of Antarctica

Throughout the frost, snow and ice

I see the beauty of a paradise.


But! In the next few momen...

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Winter Kiss ( Competition)


Snowfalls bring me to madness,

I catch the snowflakes with my lips.

Snow! The fluffy and sparkling snow!

Its falls make beautiful all my trips.


I love the snowfalls very much

Though I am not eighteen!

Even at my age as such

Catching the snowflakes I am a teen.


What ever that I am not eighteen?

What ever that I am not so young?

The apples...

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