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The Partings Always Break My Heart.

The autumn sky began to sound like rain again

The drops of the rain will water the ground.

My thoughts and desires for sure will remain.

Perhaps romance nowadays was found.

I don’t like partings and sad glances so much,

I don't like saying "farewell" as such.



I know it's not forever but I don't like to part.

The partings always break my heart.

If only we were allo...

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The Autumn And The Rain

Wearing a gray raincoat, with an unsteady walk,

The rain was so sad and didn't want to talk.

He remembered those sweet and beautiful days

When the butterflies flew among the warm bays.



He remembered a nightingale singing a song

And it looked as if nothing was wrong.

Now autumn melancholy and sadness

Replaced the joy of summer happiness.



The rain came acr...

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Love Triangle

Late rainy autumn was standing near the window,
she was waiting for the wind to come
-Where are you, my naughty fellow?
-Where are you caring along, my charm?

She was irritated by his carelessness,
she was angry with his frivolity
But still admired his appearance,
and still was charmed by his self-confidence.

Autumn was always a woman,
red-haired and very susceptible,
a little ...

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It Was Raining Cats And Dogs...

It was raining cats and dogs

When I looked around

Snails sitting on the logs,

Drinking rain I found.


And I told them like this:

You'll get wet, my dears!

And they told me like this:

- We have no fears.


And the spring inside us sings,

We are happy dancers.

Rain clear water brings,

Those were the answers.


We are covered with the shell

It protects...

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