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The Country's Shame

They had never given anything to anyone,

They had never built or created anything,

They were only stealing each divine day,

Forgetting to ask the forgiveness or pray.

Belaboring each other they shame the nation.

They can only vote and discuss with passion,

Not lifting their gorged asses from chairs,

The antisocial, immoral laws of aggression,

Ignoring people’s groans, tears...

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The Country's Shame

They had never given anything to anyone,

They had never built or created anything,

They were only stealing each divine day,

Forgetting to ask the forgiveness or pray.

Belaboring each other they shame the nation.

They can only vote and discuss with passion,

Not lifting their gorged asses from chairs,

The antisocial, immoral laws of aggression,

Ignoring people’s groans, tears...

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Illegal Government of Ukraine

When paranoia the gang has,

It throws the propaganda information

And all the Russians they would hang,

As not the Ukrainian population.


When dragons and chimera

In the illegal admin appear

They write the laws of terra

Which frighten you with fear.


Their poisonous will and power

Can bring every man to death.

With every coming hour

The news runs out of brea...

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Can't Be Indifferent


Honest people can’t be indifferent

To the satiation in Great Britain.

I was just smitten

By the news in the net.

The jet of vandalism has met with …

Was it a debt, which was kept….?

Can’t say where and in what,

But …some people forgot:

Democracy of our society

Looks like who is more mighty.

Alien war. Is it really an alien?

The human beings are ...

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