The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

soul (Remove filter)

Take Care Of Your Soul


It is cold for my soul,

Wrap it carefully,

Without any hole.

It feels so lonely.



Drafts can blow everywhere,

It's so easy to catch a cold.

Then you quietly declare

That it was a mental cold.



Wrap your thoughts in a warm scarf.

Don't keep your feelings in the cold!

Your soul shouldn't be ever tough,

"The soul is like a flower"- it was told.


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Someones Soul

It was an autumn day
And it was cold.
The autumn in the yard.
The thunderstorm was arguing with rain.
The leaves were falling down to the ground.
Someone's soul sat quietly under the bench.
It shivered with cold and it was wet.
The words of its owner it remembered
It could not do anything but regret.
'My soul, you prevent me from living, 
You can't stand any deceiving, 
You pain so hard...

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May be it sounds strange

But I know where the soul is.

The skeptics I won’t change.

Let them freely breathe!


My soul is the palm size,

It’s somewhere near the heart.

I feel it when it cries,

It doesn’t want with me to part.


I feel it when it’s full of joy,

It can overcome all troubles.

It tells me: Life enjoy!

It’s worthy of all the ...

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Two souls

Everyone is many sided personality

and it doesn't depend on your mentality

if you want to meet another soul

so that to be together as a whole;

with your characters,deeds and actions

together come to a certain perfection

like diamonds polishing each other,

like diamonds sparkling together

reverberate in each others soul,

live together playing one role...

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