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Competition closes in 60 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

autumn (Remove filter)

So What That November Has Come?


November has come with its moods,

The trees were naked in the woods.

The time has come to think about dears

So they could live life without any fears.



The rains wash the streets at this time.

The colorful trees decorate the streets.

Autumn charms anyone at any clime.

Autumn greets anyone she meets.



So what that November has come?

If you feel the ...

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The Partings Always Break My Heart.

The autumn sky began to sound like rain again

The drops of the rain will water the ground.

My thoughts and desires for sure will remain.

Perhaps romance nowadays was found.

I don’t like partings and sad glances so much,

I don't like saying "farewell" as such.



I know it's not forever but I don't like to part.

The partings always break my heart.

If only we were allo...

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Mother Nature Appears To Be A Saint.

Autumn turned into the red October.

It made a fire out of colorful leaves.

It wasn't cold but turned into amber.

In rains and winds, it only believes.



In October Autumn has become just crazy.

In October Autumn has become a bit lazy.

Walking sadly, weeping with a lot of tears,

Hiding carefully its reddish face and fears.



The thoughts of crazy October torm...

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My Favorite Autumn

She goes quietly, slowly, and surely.

She demonstrates her beauty yearly.

The rain was in love with our beauty

Anyone could call her only cutie.



She walks so gently on a warm night,

Like a gentle moth flies to a bright light.

She flies easily in the trees dark,

Her leaves swirl in the dark park.



And the aroma of an apple and a plum

Always give her sw...

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The Autumn And The Rain

Wearing a gray raincoat, with an unsteady walk,

The rain was so sad and didn't want to talk.

He remembered those sweet and beautiful days

When the butterflies flew among the warm bays.



He remembered a nightingale singing a song

And it looked as if nothing was wrong.

Now autumn melancholy and sadness

Replaced the joy of summer happiness.



The rain came acr...

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Love Triangle

Late rainy autumn was standing near the window,
she was waiting for the wind to come
-Where are you, my naughty fellow?
-Where are you caring along, my charm?

She was irritated by his carelessness,
she was angry with his frivolity
But still admired his appearance,
and still was charmed by his self-confidence.

Autumn was always a woman,
red-haired and very susceptible,
a little ...

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An Autumn in November

An autumn in November
Looks like a crying dame.
Afraid to lose her temper
She is in the oldest game.

A modest dress she wears, 
She loves the melodrama, 
She wants to see who cares
And stays in the nirvana.

She cries because of feelings, 
She sadly looks around, 
She hides her every evening, 
The sorrow she has found.

Angry with her reflection, 
She rarely looks at puddles.

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The Colorof My Mood ...

The color of my mood is autumn.

It’s high time to write a poem…

The sights are marvelous and amazing.

Some trees are just blazing.

Like an artist the nature paints.

Little by little the warmth faints.

 The trees are razing their leaves,

More often the weather deceives.

Guess, what could you impress?

When autumn weaves a colorful dress!

What frightens us in a fall?


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The Autumn Is Coming


The autumn is coming,

The August is charming,

But the rain often darkens the sky,

And I know, you certainly love me

As I once long ago loved you.


Why the yearning

Is burning inside you?

Why are you so sad when with me?

Why in August the dreams

Can’t be sweet as in spring?


The rowan is reddish

But not for the anguish

Rain drops k...

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autumnlove song

In the Wood


I will enter the quiet wood,

On the rustling leaves I will dance,

I will watch the Godhood,

I will prance to the autumn’s romance.


I will wear a colorful dress,

I will mix up myself with the leaves,

I will hear what wind says,

I will feel the tender breeze.


I will see a birch in gilding,

A maple in its nice crimson,

A spiders beautiful s...

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