The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 5 hours. Get details and Enter.

The Autumn Is Coming

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The autumn is coming,

The August is charming,

But the rain often darkens the sky,

And I know, you certainly love me

As I once long ago loved you.


Why the yearning

Is burning inside you?

Why are you so sad when with me?

Why in August the dreams

Can’t be sweet as in spring?


The rowan is reddish

But not for the anguish

Rain drops knock at the window today

What a pity that some grievances

Can’t be forgotten by loving hearts.


Not in vain

The yearning is burning,

Not in vain you are sad when with me

As in August the dreams are not real,

They come true in the earliest spring.


The autumn is coming,

The August is charming,

But the rain often darkens the sky,

And I know, you certainly love me

As I once long ago loved you.


©Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 28th of August, 2012




autumnlove song

◄ I Am As I Am



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winston plowes

Sat 1st Sep 2012 02:39

Really enjoyed this Larisa, the pic is so appropriate too. Win x

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Fri 31st Aug 2012 23:05

Thank you so much my dear friends for your kind comments.

Mike Henson

Fri 31st Aug 2012 18:10

I've seen your poetry grow so much in the few years that I've known you. I'm so proud of you. You've become a fine writer.

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Roy Chetham

Thu 30th Aug 2012 23:30

Having lost a bit of momentum and interest in poetry recently this has re-awakened me. The best I have seen for months, beautiful.
Thank you.

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Thu 30th Aug 2012 09:58

Very nice i like this a lot, its very free form to me and i like the style.

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