The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

my life (Remove filter)

I Was Waiting For My Lucky DAy

I was waiting for my lucky day,

I was sad and accepted waiting,

Then the boring days passed away.

And I started to wait for the dating.

And I couldn't let my soul sleep.

My crazy thoughts were so deep.

My feelings grew stronger,

When days became longer.


I was waiting for my lucky day,

It should certainly come in May.

Dasy flower is not a miracle.

In the su...

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my life

Tomorrow I Will Retire


Teach me to understand the fineness!

Wean me from boredom and laziness!

Manifest to me many times kindness!

I am your slave, but… please…

Don’t put me on my knees!

I love you, I love you my father and mother,

I strongly believe in the great mystery of yours,

Only you can forgive me as I am a sinner,

Only you can understand me and do not curse.

I am ...

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my life

Something about me


I will tell you about me like this:

I will never be tall,

I will never be small,

I will never be a man,

I will never be a football fan.

I would certainly like to have coffee in bed,

but  it looks so sad,

as I’ll have to get up,

without any make up,

then … to dress, then to undress.

I will never jump as high as 2 meters,

because…I won’t be able t...

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my life

I am not.....

I am not the sun,

I do not radiate light,

I like to have fun,

don't like to fight.

I am not the sun,

I can't live alone,

even having fun

I'd like to be flown.

Someone calls me sunny

and I certainly like it,

but prefer to hear honey,

for me it's more a fit.

I am not the sun,

I am just a woman.

Yes, I like to ...

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my life

I am one of those.....


I am one of those who likes to live,

to be a friend and to forgive.

I am one of those who hates a lie,

if it were for me a war I would deny.

I am one of those who likes to dream,

if to play games then in a family team.

I am one of those who likes to sing

and listen to the bells ring.

I am one of those who likes to laugh,

the time with my dear ones is no...

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my life

If I am strong

If I am strong.

Is it a compliment to be strong?
I think it's not that and it's wrong.
If I am strong
Do I have to ignore my feelings?
They think I am like a steel
And will survive and cope with any drilling.
If I am strong
I would  be able to overcome all those shrill feelings.
Is it really wrong to be strong?
But what should I do with my feelings?
It's so painful to b...

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my life

I like to live my own life

I can smile,

Though sometimes it's so hard to do.

I can laugh,

Though sometimes the tears are running down.

I can look sometimes so lightminded, thoughtful.

I can joke, I can bear a lot of things,

But...sometimes I can't give away my offences,

And can't stand any pretences. those horrible moments

My soul pains hardl...

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my life

I am as I am

I think it doesn't sound strange

if I don't want to be changed

but... just to be as I am.

I often hear some people say:

you ought, you should, you must.

You should work hard

and do everything fast.

But...I am grateful to the Lord

and take it as a reward

to be as I am.

There are some people

who want to meet me,

they say they need me;


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my life

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