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Lair Of The Snow Spider

Lair Of The Snow Spider


there are domains so deep

that no one will tread

so dark that they are blind

in these dank places

the air is still and

sound is soft and mute


into this darkness

snow falls

settling in the nooks

and crannies

dusting the branches

with its ice grasp


can you hear it

the soft sly scuttle

of a many l...

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snowspiderforestbannfcanadafantasy realmstrappedweb

Black Widow



The air is chilled,

the night has eyes

that watch the lovers

in the shadows.


in sinful eyes,

that hold the fear

where no-one goes.

A prowling man-trap,

scented breath,


to hold her own

in crowded rooms

that smell of death,

when you're singled out

and on your own.


Black Widow comes


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