The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

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council estate (Remove filter)

Sunset Over Lupset [song version]

Sunset Over Lupset (August 1968)


Lupset sunsets smelled of bonfires,

undercut with new mown grass,

wild mint by the kitchen window,

treasures in the strawberry patch.

Father sat with pint of shandy,

The mower cooling in the shade,

the rake stowed by the garden shed,

the kids with sparkling lemonade.


Sunset over Lupset

August nineteen sixty eight

Sunset ov...

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lupset estatecouncil estatechildhoodmemorieswachefeldwakefieldsummer

Sunset Over Lupset (August 1968)

Sunset Over Lupset (August 1968)


Lupset sunsets smelled of bonfires,

undercut with new mown grass,

wild mint by the kitchen window,

treasures in the strawberry patch.


Father sat with pint of shandy,

The mower cooling in the shade,

the rake stowed by the garden shed,

the kids with sparkling lemonade.


Summer sun dips on the estate

dragging shadows from th...

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council estatesummerchildhoodgardeningfamilyhome

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