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thatcher (Remove filter)

Orgreave (Truth & Justice) [song version]

Orgreave (Truth & Justice)


Standing on a picket line in 1984

Orgreave on a summer’s day, we all knew the score

I am just an honest man, I never broke the law

Until the law tried to break me and now I’m not so sure


Orgreave Truth and Justice

Will never go away

The coppers broke the law

So the coppers have to pay

In a court of British law

It’s time we had our ...

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orgreavetruth & justice campaignminersminers strike1984thatchersocialist history

Down In The Hole

Down In The Hole


I was sixteen, they threw me down the hole,

I stood in darkness, breathing in the dust

while learning who I could and couldn’t trust

in this black new empire of worm and mole.

My dad said it was this life or the dole -

if our family was to earn a crust

then I would have to work until I bust

and sacrifice ambition, heart and soul.

Years of hardship f...

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memoriesmiltonic sonnetminerredundancythatcher

Class Action

Class Action


A golden apple hangs aloft,

corrupt flesh - rotten to the core

and when it falls, it lays a while

until the vermin come to gnaw.

A bloody tide, ebbs and flows

against Britannia’s exposed shore

while God’s still lapping his sinners up

In distant, godless, fucking war.


A Tory with a mouth of lies

feeds the rich and damns the poor -


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tory crimethatchercorrupt policiestory policystand againstchildren of albion

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