poetry (Remove filter)
He stayed in beautiful isolation
For so long
He became a memory
A shadow on the wall
A stain on the carpet
When they sipped red wine
They remembered him
In the taste upon their lips
In the pause
Between the small talk
The chair remained empty
The corner a little darker
The mirror over the bar
Cast no reflection
Of him
Monday 18th May 2020 4:18 pm
I'm hosting a new poetry and comedy open mic night in Wakefield on the 2nd Wednesday of the month starting on Wednesday 12th February.
Entry is FREE and everyone is welcome.
email me to reserve a spot or sign up to perform on the night from 7pm - 7.30pm
Performances will start at 7.30(ish)
More details on the events page or the link (below)
Monday 27th January 2020 12:33 pm
I have released a new poetry/music album titled 'Screaming Blue Murder' under my recording project THE CROWS OF ALBION. The title track is provided above.
There are 16 tracks (1 cover) all of which were originally posted as poems on Write Out Loud.
Over the past 5 months I've been working them into 'songs' with a great producer - John Kettle from Merry Hell at Music Projects in Wigan.
Tuesday 2nd October 2018 6:44 pm
I've decided to put some of my performance and recorded songs onto a new website - along with a future blog of poems and live dates etc. So, quite a few of the poems i blogged last year now appear on this site as either performance videos or recorded tunes (via Soundcloud).
There's a quite a bit of colour and it gives me the opportunity to prom...
Monday 10th March 2014 7:14 pm
the brooding
with paper cut
stares at a wall
of graffiti
and thinks
I could do that
so he picks up
a spray can
his feelings
in dribbling
white letters
fifteen feet high
his blood
becomes molten
his rage is
a torrent
of years
without voice
a scream
to be heard
Monday 7th October 2013 11:14 pm
Thirty Plus Years In An Open Necked Shirt
Thirty Plus Years In An Open Necked Shirt.
On seeing John Cooper Clarke @ Wakefield Theatre Royal (29/9/13)
Johnny Clarke, Johnny Clarke
a walking bag of bones
staggers out onto the stage
like Keith Richards from the Stones
rapid, machine gun delivery
sprays audience with Salford tones
jitters, jives, ducks and dives
whilst wrestling with the micr...
Tuesday 1st October 2013 4:59 pm
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