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The Bayonet In The Shed

The Bayonet In The Shed


He put it there in forty nine,

in a woodworm riddled drawer,

wrapped it in a greasy rag.

A remnant from the war.

On top of it he laid his medals,

nothing more was said

until the day my father

took the bayonet from the shed.


We had pestered many times

and he had said ‘perhaps’

when we asked him if he’d killed

any Krauts or any Ja...

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bayonetfatherherokillingmedalsold soldierwarww2. burma


Thanks to Patricia & Stefan for getting me thinking about this topic again.......





this lion was sat there

being a lion

when a man

who beat his wife and kids

shot him

through the head

and used his fur

for a rug


this alligator was sat there

being an alligator

when a man

who raped a child

thrust a spear


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animalskillingslaughterman as hunterSport

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