The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

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A List Of Things We Buried In The Garden

A List Of Things We Buried In The Garden


- A photograph of better times.


- An empty bottle of scotch.


- A well thumbed copy of ‘True Crimes’.


- A useless, broken watch.


- Seven bottles of little white pills.


- A pair of latex gloves.


- A folder with a thousand bills.


- A bunch of dead foxgloves.


- The broken vase they occupied...

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day 9NaPoWriMo 2019list poemhumourmatricideconfession

Recipe For Disaster

Recipe For Disaster


Make sure you’ve got a big bowl.

OK, we’re ready to commence.

Take a pinch of honesty,

add an ounce of common sense,

stir in bloody mindedness,

gently fold in care,

season it with integrity

(if you’ve got any spare),

sprinkle it with passion,

avoid the nuts and flakes,

put it in a hot oven

and see how long it takes

for it to become bu...

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day 1NaPoWriMo 2019recipepoliticalsatirehumourtory government

Falling Down The Cracks In The Pavement

Falling Down The Cracks In The Pavement


I’ve given up the cakes

and all the biscuits too,
I’ve given up the beer

(and I really liked a brew).

I’ve given up the crisps,

I’ve given up the Coke,

I’m really trying hard to be

a really slimmer bloke.


The curries have gone with the wind,

the Mexican’s waved goodbye,

the Chinese are prawn crackered

and I’ve said...

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