The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

A lull in the fighting


The guts of men writhe like jellied eels,

they spill as if they never end.


Brains like cod roe and fat

wrapped in paper, torn apart.


A tooth, an eye and half a scalp.

An ear inside a mouth, its tongue split Scarlet blue.


And now, where metal forged its deadly path

beneath the forests open wound, sunlight feasts with flies.


The living men so nearly ...

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It wasn't the morning that came,

nor the night that slipped from the sky,

but somewhere

between dreams

and my waking,

some other dimension

                                              passed by.


It wasn't an absence or presence,

nor the things with the traces of you,

but somewhere

between light

and moons crescent,

a ghost of you came


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A Vermin Complete


"I thought I'd write something that offered hope then ripped it away, something more representative of real life"


They laughed at you,

your accent, your hair, your skin...

your knowledge of nothing

that they believed in.


Your best friend, a Jew

then Vikram the Sikh,

the Haggis, the Kosher,

the words you couldn't speak


Your smile now victorious,


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One thing becomes another


He takes a sack of crumpled shirts,

a puzzle

and a gun.

He leaves with wigs and mini skirts

and "Chuzzlewit"

for fun.


He's in a Queue at "Waitrose",


an amazon,

all selfish hair and Dickens prose,

prior signs

of him, all gone.


The High Street hums with laundries,

wringing out

their blood-stained cash,

all shiny fronts and ta...

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Of sorrowful songs there is no fear


A face as smooth as glass

that time has fallen from,

tracks of tears have passed

the weight of years moved on.


Hands purpura petalled

fold like angels wings,

hair as gentle snowflakes

a midnight clear might bring...


a robin on a window ledge

a flower full in bloom,

the sacred vow of loves long pledge,

a summer gone too soon.


And yet the song ...

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The reign is spitting mad

at the huddled masses yawning,

those maggots of the night

who hatch out in the morning,


it seeks to hold them under

to wash them clean away,

with their plastic bags of plunder

who'd miss them anyway?


They have no real accounts,

no footprint in the data

their sum to naught amounts

they are dead sooner than later.



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Between two worlds


In dreams my father is with me.

He lives in his nightmare wide awake.


In dreams my legs buckle.

He falls in his nightmare.


I see him, we cannot speak,

his frail hands outstretched to his child.


His hanging mouth a cave

with all his life inside, forgotten.


Asleep in his bed like amber in linen,

withered by time and ages rot.


So we meet bet...

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At 5 o'clock a million things


It's five o'clock in the morning, it's -5,

my dog pisses as she stares at me.


Her steam, my breath as one

I think she's laughing.

I'm laughing, I'm wearing shorts and a beanie.


What is this,

eccentric englishness?


Stars in silver sulphide pierce a frigid sky

a Supernova vents it's dying throes.


She stands from squat,

the Blackbird sings



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Are We The Only Living One's to Have Thought


Used to be

I could get all the news I need

on the weather report


When days

were long

and darker times came in short


I could gather all the news I need

on the weather report


Hey, I've got nothing to do today

but cry

and to cry and to cry and to cry

for what's going on


is this the only dying world

our greed's brought.


Most ...

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Into the wild


Behind the songful thicket

where fields tuck in to ancient earth,

the tiny birds sing thanks to birth


trod and turned by boot and plough

much goes unseen by humans now.


Beyond the foamy edge

where breakers roll on timeless sand,

the wilding wind knows no command


stamped, then cleared by men and tides.

whose howls are drowned like griefs lost cries


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