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Are We The Only Living One's to Have Thought


Used to be

I could get all the news I need

on the weather report


When days

were long

and darker times came in short


I could gather all the news I need

on the weather report


Hey, I've got nothing to do today

but cry

and to cry and to cry and to cry

for what's going on


is this the only dying world

our greed's brought.


Most of the time they're gone

and we just don't care, no we just don't care

you can see that their lives are gone

and we just don't care


Friends, why don't we open our minds

I know there's so much we could find

fly to where we're one of a kind

fly now and leave these horrors behind


Hey, let your honesty shine, shine, shine,

let it shine on down

on them

let it shine on down

to them


Are we the only living ones to have thought

what we paid for is not what they bought


When we preach but don't practice what's taught

when we preach yet don't practice what's taught


Audio and Video available at links below

With much gratitude and thanks to Simon & Garfunkel



◄ Into the wild

At 5 o'clock a million things ►


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David RL Moore

Fri 10th Jan 2025 18:51

Thanks Helene,

I'm pleased I gave you a reason to revisit a great song.

Yes, it's nice to get a little chat and some reminiscing going...also to prod our collective conscience.

I always appreciate peoples thoughts and comments.


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Fri 10th Jan 2025 13:45

A powerful poem, David. Thanks for writing about the deep sorrow so many of us feel when looking at the state of life on this planet. I keep hoping the divide will lessen and kindness will flourish; perhaps poetry and other means of connection between people can move the needle just a wee bit in that direction. Appreciated reading everyone's comments, and after reading this poem I listened to Simon & Garfunkel "Only Living Boy in NY" for a walk down memory lane. I'm 70 years old, still a babe in the woods, eh Flyntland?

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David RL Moore

Fri 10th Jan 2025 07:44

Thanks to Uilleam and Flyntland for comments and to those who have added recent likes, very much appreciated.

Flyntland, I doubt even in my 80's I will regard myself as a grown up, at least I hope not.

All the best,


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Thu 9th Jan 2025 15:22

62 - David you are a mere youth, add another 22 and you can call yourself a grown-up.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 9th Jan 2025 15:03

“Birds of a feather flock together”, is something I often say about evil doers, David; mostly when referring to politicians, and often to some so-called religious leaders.

Many of the resources and institutions once available to us for fighting evil and injustice, and for protecting us from danger have been stripped out of our society, in the guise of “cutting red tape” and of “money-saving”; legal aid, for one, building and safety regs (Grenfell Fire) for another; solely with the aim of making the rich richer.

There’s another saying: “United We Stand, Divided We Fall”. Britons have united many times against injustice and won. We sent fascism packing in the 30s, but we’ve let our guard down.

Today, as I speak, UK citizens' freedom to peacefully protest within the next few weeks is being stamped on by corporate entities, major news broadcasters, and some religious leaders, conniving with the coppers (as in the 30s). To crudely pararaphrase W Churchill:

“Eff ‘em all; up with this we will not put”.

Much of the solution lies in your words:

“I know there's so much we could find
fly to where we're one of a kind”

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David RL Moore

Thu 9th Jan 2025 12:30

Thanks Uilleam for your reading and like.

This was a bit of an experiment to be honest, although I have attempted similar stuff before. Not the greatest I know but an excercise in something different I suppose.

Thanks to all who have commented and given likes.


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David RL Moore

Wed 8th Jan 2025 11:47

Hi Flyntland,

thank you for your reading and your comment.

My poem is merely words of course, I share your sentiment at the futility of fighting back and am in truth where you are. How could I not be at 62.

With all things change will is maybe for others to fight. If the day should come and I can still stand upright I know whose ranks I will be filling.

Again, thanks for your reading and comments.


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Wed 8th Jan 2025 11:39

I can identify with this poem, especially with the end of your audio - however, while I would have agreed with you once about fighting back I have come to the conclusion that it is futile to stand against corporate money. My husband and I have tried it and are disillusioned.
We are left emotionally fragile, bruised, heartbroken, and exhausted by the tactics of corporate money.
I am also shocked at bare-faced lies that were not fact-checked by those tasked with making fair and balanced decisions.

We would never launch ourselves again into such an all-consuming confrontation.

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