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real life (Remove filter)


They say that change is a part of life,


If everything were to stay the same,


I will be bored out of life,

But there are always some things,

That I want,

For eternity,

Like my love for chocolates, maybe,

Or my stupid childish desires and wishes,

Gazing at stars all night,

Or feeling the warmth of sun,

On me, as I let my imaginations run wild,


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world changeschangespeople's reactionfriendsfriendshipfamilyloveloved onesreal lifelife realitypracticalalwaysforeveralways and forever

Programme Accepted

Our brains


For better

Or all too often worse

What we listen to

What we watch

On television

Or the internet

With false words

False images

There was a time

Way back when

All our experiences


Were real

Actual happenings

In our lives

Not any more

Other people’s words

Other people’s pictures

Fed directly into us


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poetryphilosophyfreedomreal life

Mum guilt


Woken up Rudely by a wide awake kid 

Her iPad starts blaring , that one that you hid,


It’s 5 in the morning , but she wants to play,

But you’ve hardly slept, not ready for the day ,


You’ve been up all night , on the edge of her bed,

While she sleeps so soundly, sweet dreams in her head,


8 comes round it’s time to get up and go, 

But now she is ‘ tired ‘she’...

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mumsguiltchildrenparenthoodreal life

Life, the Thrill of Infatuation


What you had yesterday that
I have today and what
I have today 
That must be yours tomorrow. 
We have been made
Solely to perform on stage
 In well and woe. 
Just think...
What if we were not born?
We'd not feel the 
Gentle touch of mother, 
The sweet
Fragrance of flower, 
The appearance
Of the sun,
The delectable call of fountain, 
And the taste
Of our paradisiacal earth.

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real life

Beyond The Oasis

Trapped into the forlorn steps

Without much hope or even despair

In the middle of the desert


Only the skies beyond the sky

Or deserts beyond the desert

Space and eternity- mingled


Time has little or no value

Only day and night

Without any plurality


Only the singularity reigns

Over the modern history

Dictating terms and conditions


In th...

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politicalreal lifeworld

The Reflections

Behind the shadows some familiar faces

Like failed hypothesis- unclassified.

Reminds me of my predecessors, their

Un holy nexus with the alchemists.


Every night drenched in obnoxious

Dreams before and after midnights

I try to figure out my schemes in deep

Secrets. To overrule the destiny.


Our reflections to exhibit our might and

The supremacy all over the histo...

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real life

The Deceiver

after the end

before the beginning....

underneath the lies

over the pain....

with the belief

against the fact....

behind the mask

opening the veils....

in-between time

and eternity....

our sun drops the shadows of the words;

penned down by prophets and poets!

saints and leaders!


and singing with the chorus....

flowing with the chords;

when we decei...

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political poemreal lifeshort poem

The Deep Secret

she was talking in undertone

like the old hermits of the

Buddhist Monastery


not to prove any algorithm

or to put forward hypothesis

of social revolution


she was there with her

gentle smile and her bare arms

moving like gentle breeze


not like the smiling  bureaucrats

shaking the cold hands

before the secret deals


she was looking around


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worldreal lifesadnesshopedreams

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