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Mum guilt


Woken up Rudely by a wide awake kid 

Her iPad starts blaring , that one that you hid,


It’s 5 in the morning , but she wants to play,

But you’ve hardly slept, not ready for the day ,


You’ve been up all night , on the edge of her bed,

While she sleeps so soundly, sweet dreams in her head,


8 comes round it’s time to get up and go, 

But now she is ‘ tired ‘she’s on the go slow,


Time for shoes on ‘ but my socks are too tight’

You try to get them on but she puts up a fight ,


That’s it , they’re on , right let’s get out the door,

You look over your shoulder , she’s draped on the floor,


Face glued to the iPad , YouTube on the screen

How is it your 4 but act like 14


You get out the door , she’s strapped in their seat,

School starts in the 10 and you’ve got traffic to beat,


Your stressed and your tired, you just want them out

Through them school gates ,you don’t want to shout,


But she’s testing you, she’s winging, your totally done ,

“ I want to go dads , his house is more fun’


You raise your voice, you screech, your so mad,

She’s upset, she’s crying, and now you feel bad, 


You get her to school and the tears have all dried,

You apologise and hug her and she walks on inside ,


The mum guilt sets in now your all on your own,

She’s only a baby , she’s no where near grown,


Welcome to school runs , it’s always a stress 

Your house is now empty ,completely a mess


Now it is quiet and everything’s chill

And now she’s in school and everything’s still 


And all you want , in that moment of Calm

Is your sweet baby , clinging onto your arm 


Slumped on the floor or making a mess

Screaming and laughing and causing you stress


They grow up so quick, you blink and it’s gone ,

I know that it’s hard but keep calm ,carry on 


Because one day , you will look back and youll see 

‘They wasn’t bad children they just wanted me,’


To stay at home a bit longer, for attention from mum 

One day they won’t need you , that day it will come 


So enjoy every moment the good and the bad

I love my sweet baby, I don’t mean to get mad.















mumsguiltchildrenparenthoodreal life

Hello, I am a poem ►


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sarah rich

Wed 25th Oct 2023 11:35

Aww thank you so much ! Took me a lot to post this so really appreciate it 😘

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Tue 24th Oct 2023 23:33

This is great, Sarah! Well rhymed, nice rhythm to the words. I smiled all the way through the reading and laughed out loud. Looking forward to more poems when the muse strikes. (Much more fun than housework!)

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Tue 24th Oct 2023 21:38

I'm told our little scamp of a 4 yr old woke the other morning at 5 am, and not content with playing with her own teddy, went into mum and dads' room, took mummy's teddy off her, causing a liitle "disagreement "which woke her poor dad up.

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Graham Sherwood

Tue 24th Oct 2023 17:11

hahaha! Welcome to WOL.

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