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I Write In Pen

Expressions of Love: Part XLIII

Title: I Write In Pen


I write in pen.

Because, like our relationship,

It is final.

There is no going back,

only forward; ink building

and growing like our connection,

every single day.



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Wounds of liberation

Imagine being totally untethered

After feeling chain linked 

I feel split

That part removed 

That half is trying to renew

But it hurts 

To grow scab over wound 

Missing you is mourning you 

Leaving you is still losing you

And I’m just as lost

As I made you 

If it could be 

I would make it be 

Should I be chain linked again 

I would make it good 

Should ...

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Missmove onpainhurtupsetloveRelationshiphealhealingbreak upfreedomemotionfixgrowliberateimprisontrapindependentidentityadaptsingletwopaircoupleoneuntetheredlossmourngoodbye

Waiting For My Nobody

Tired souls sigh together,

lovers have given up on getting better,

but I will continue to stay with the withered tree until the end of times.

We have exchanged the word 'forever'

and thus I will patiently wait untill we are back together.

I will wait for you, my Nobody,

until my body cannot anymore.

Until my body decays

and my bones slip into Mother's embrace.

Even then...

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Meet Me By The Shore

A sequel to Walking Down To The Lake

There she is, a former glow 
that once filled a room the moment 
she granted it with her presence, 
a memory of what used to be.

The frigid air blowing through the trees 
on this winter night reminds us 
that the warmth we used to know 
left us long ago.

What would it take 
but a grasp of her hand, 
an inviting smile, a long embrace 
to shake ...

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Scríobh Amach Os Ard É!-Write It Out Loud!

Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig Ort !

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Thanks are due to Siobhán of Bitesize Irish for the excellent videos on the pronunciation of Irish poetry etc.

My poem below is in Irish, in Celtic script. Below that, is the poem in Roman script and in English.

Apologies to native Irish speakers!

Scríobh amach os ard é,

Tá mé I ngrá le...

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GaeligeSaint Patrick's Daylove

me from afar

if i could love you in a good way

i would do so; the best i could 

but the sun doesn’t even set at the same time for us 

so i’ll continue to rot in this room 

until my last summer here turns to fall 

i would love you so dearly 

but i love you from afar 

and yet you still find a way to overwhelm my mind 


i apologize for the way i treat you

i warn you for the things i...

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Mi Amor

Expressions of Love: Part XXII

Title: Mi Amor


las explicaciones me fallan, Mi Amor


las palabras salen de mi pecho y son

aparentemente incomprensibles, Mi Amor


la felicidad que das, es como el viento

soplando en mi rostro, Mi Amor


es como la profunda bocanada de aire

que tomas en una fresca manana de invierno, Mi Amor


es como la sensacion de darle...

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I Love Myself (Unfortunately)

I love myself.

Not in the way one would think.

I truly am in love with myself.

For there is no one in this whole wide world 

That could understand me, 

See me, 

Hear me, 

Apart from me. 

Therefore it is only myself that I can love

And it is only myself that can love I,

Whose song differs from the other whales. 

I love myself.

Not out of free will, 

But out of...

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