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love poetry life poem nature poet war death pain hope

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tears of sorrow

the streets of Uvalde full of tears


tears over the loss of precious children


but also tears of the loss of  a nation’s innocence


did we lose it on waldon’s mountain


or the streets of mayberry


or around our own dinner tables


or in the womb of the chapel


can it be found again


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Today I sit here in my car, trying to hold back tears, trying to stay strong

A teacher....

Teach your students colors,shapes, letters, numbers, teach them about life, and now keep them safe from guns

Today I sit here in my car, trying to hold back tears, trying to stay strong, remember you are a teacher

Teach your students to not be afraid, yet in your heart you know the world is again...

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teachermass shootingschildrenloveeducationtearssadnesshopeteachhoplessnesssafeemotionsstudents


Only now that its physical 

The wars become visible

Certified verified news 

Fighting for oil fighting for gold 

Nobody wins we all lose 


Controlled legal violence 

One minute silence 

Soldiers lost legs arms and lives 

Exception for fighting 

To young ones its frightening 

You wonder why they carry knives


Politicians sniff coke 

The systems a joke 


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Childrenwar poetryfailure of authorityprotectnew world

'Seven Times'

‘Seven times’ ~ A poem for my younger siblings 

I have fallen in love seven times.

Seven pairs of eyes that blinked open

and looked back into mine.

My heart expanded into spaces

I did not know I had,

as your entire hand curled

around my single finger pad.

I no longer had but one shadow,

I smiled down to see now two.

Over the years,

your bodies changed and grew,


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