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A still, clear pool like unmarred ice 
A two dimensional window into fathomless depths 
Time not yet begun it’s relentless wheel, stasis offered to your awestruck eyes 
Dare you toss a stone to shatter the time before? 
The innocent beginning of all, cast into the yawning void, the birth of a universe held in ambivalent grasp
Dare you not toss a stone to shatter this eternal before? 

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A Dim Afterparty

A Dim Afterparty

Thou shall never know if words could ever suffice

Nor should the laws of nature bound the mind to the earth

For we exist as long as the fade of eternal light

Brings a dimming to the afterparty as we find it cannot always be night


And though our hands feel our knees and our locked chests

Some can see clearly yet roam in the subconscious dark depths

In a ...

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水 / Mizu

My mind is saturated with sadness, 

Whilst my heart is flooded with pain. 

As my life force drowns in the world’s madness, 

My soul floats between the physical and the astral plane.

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Rengoku 煉獄

Why was I brought into purgatory?

I took my life hoping death would be the final end to my story. 


When will the purification process begin? 

I’m tired of being punished for my previous life ruled by cardinal sins. 


I feel like I’ve been here for centuries,

Stuck in a sempiternal loop tormented by past melancholic memories.

Whilst the fire slowly purges my soul, 

I a...

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Imago Dei

Are you there?


I pray to you each and every night in despair, 

Yet they remain unanswered as if you do not care. 


I sink solely in my thoughts,

As heartache floods through my veins.

Suffocating and feeling distraught, 

Trapped and stuck in these emotional chains. 


My life has come to that of which only you can intervene.

My soul is no longer at peace (and y...

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The Fifth Element

She is fire,

Get close and she will melt your heart,

The light in your darkest hour 

But play with her and you'll get burnt.


She is earth,

Her roots rich with self-love and worth, 

The natural evolution females seek

But mess with her nature, 

And she'll bring forth her seismic wrath. 


She is air,

Free and not confined,

Moves like the wind and her path kno...

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ElementsNatureNatural LawsChemistryPhilosophy


Don't judge me with your bitterness.

Don't care how you dress.

To me, it doesn't matter who you kiss.


Love is a philosophy, not an activity.

Don't force your adjectives on me.

My acceptance is on the content of your character.

Selfishness is the only way you know how to care.


The way you walk through life. 

It is like walking on the edge of a knife.

Cutting awa...

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