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Woken early by my black dog

growling at another rabbit hole,

pulling at the leash to

dig out some sorrow or fear

to bring back home

and leave at my door.


And there it would stay,

if I were in charge.

But today my Ego stands

waiting for His treat and

carries it into my mind.

And there He starts his dissection.


Pulling apart the fresh, raw,

sinewy emo...

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mental illness

In darkness I write

Once more I sit, completely alone,
In a place that I cannot call my home. 
Small and vulnerable is all that I feel,
Waiting for my heart to heal.
My spirit has been locked away,
Waiting to escape on a 'stronger day'. 
Right now I just hide inside my cave,
Hoping for my soul to save.
Fingernails have long been destroyed,
From the times I get lost in this void. 
Hair un...

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Depressionmental healthmental illnessmedicationmanic depression


Am I a burden or a blessing?

Until now I've brought you pain,

nitpicked neurotic neural pathways

produced images of you burdening people

nuked your brain by old beliefs.


The pitter patter of your baby

put like a seal pup on your chest

but I was there for stop her suckling,

I didn't want her to breathe

No-one except me knew you bitch.


After all we've been thr...

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mental illnessmental health issuesmothers. childrenpsychicPsychosis

Wish You Well -Mental Health Awareness

How can one love someone when one can't love themselves.


Love was never anything they ever gotten or actually felt.


No one to ever check on your heart to make sure it was upkept.


From a child you held on to this misery & it crippled your health.


Afraid to talk about to family, & even friends, & too much pride to get help.


The buil...

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mental healthmental illnesswishing welllonelylonelinessdepressionupsetfeelings

A Game Of Chance

I put my head on the pillow and drift off….


Shiva sweeps aside the remnants of yesterday:

Gains, strivings, losses and ambitions

Clearing the table for tonight’s game

Flanked by greater and lesser angels and demons.


I’m lost in dreams while a silver ball spins against the

roulette wheel of my soul.

Each number an affection, a state of being

randomly selected for t...

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mental healthmental illness

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