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Curry Crisps

Curry Crisps

In 1981 and 82 at Littlemoor School I was in Junior 4

With the rest of the little wankers who were my classmates

I used to buy curry flavoured crisps for 10p at break time

I got them every day and even now miss them  

They were the best crisps I ever tasted so yummy!

In a curry coloured packet oh what’s to come!

They were the highlight of my time in that school


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memorychildhoodremembercurry crisps

Switching Off

its all there, writ on vellum

engrossed by time and fate

scrolled as wayward history

marks each and every date


familiar names and their sins

revenants of thirsts unslaked

wild love that soon withered

or cakes that never got baked


scars and might have beens

guilts and nameless shame

glories and fleeting trophies

won from life's hectic game


of late,...

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time stopped after faces smiled--
squinting at square time-capsuled windows
books packed, amber remains to portray
slices of cryogenic experience

yellowed paper in brittle plastic sheathes
stare back at me-- voices call
to the nowhere places that are not
wishing, wondering, "what if?"
--look for some dimensional door

some resemble me too, horribly so
the mocker looks artificial,...

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memorysademotional painturn back time

Incantation (A Song for Winter)

Stay with me, I beg you
You’re all that I have left
My safest place
Greatly, I fear
That the more I think of you
The more you will fade from me
Like others that I could not keep 
You are all the spirit I have within me
My intangible dream
Without you
I would know nothing of hope
If the light you give 
Should be smothered into smoke
I would not fight the dark
I would hav...

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