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Drop The Tears

No-one likes to see tears, that

Liquid form of human distress,

Yet human life being what it is

They render make-up a mess


I'd never observed you weep

Your trusting eyes always dry,

Till catching me with Matilda

Made you break down and cry


Tears clear the air like a purifier

Provoking a quantum of sympathy

From anyone that can summon

A minimum degree of em...

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I Saw Ice In Your Farewell

My love was welded by wit

No woman was ever racier

Yet after my crazy revelation

I was sleeping with a glacier


Some things are best hidden

Dont oblige that need to tell

My regrets forged hot tears

For I saw ice in your farewell


My fault misreading the signs

I felt we'd reached that page

Where we became truly one

Not paper lovers on a stage


I'd dis...

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The Truth In Hot Sudden Tears

Out of the blue they appeared

Composure broken, cast adrift

Lately she'd been evading me

My questions got short shrift


Nature can only take so much

Secrets discompose its skills

So long we had been at odds

Life an endless battle of wills


We had survived enough wars

Love adrift on waves of years

But nothing prepared me for

The truth in hot sudden tears


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If Only It Would Rain Today

Its been dry for far too long

The air's got parched and dusty

I'm praying hard for rain to fall

My life's been arid and musty


I see how you led me to love you

That easy flattery your smiles

I fell headlong into your arms

Tripped by those practised wiles


If only it would rain today

And wash away my tears

Is that thunder that I hear

Cleansing as it nears?


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Sad dreams

Was it true,

sleep depends on tears?


To refill the well

that had dried up by day,


Or to wet the lids, at the least,

by dreaming sad dreams,


With that tearful hope,

had the sleep come by night?


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Hate and fear looking for attention
Believing everything told to you without any proof
Their power comes from your lack of education

White tears are colored with ignorance

Hate does not make you a hero
Just make you lose your job
Now your a zero

White tears are colored with fear

Other people that don't look like you
Not living the way you think they should
Call someone to correct...

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TearsPoetry 2020politicssocialjusticeBLM

Intervals Of Rain

Its great when the sun shines no clouds to be seen

And luck is on your side and there's no sign of pain

But life is a roller-coaster its all ups and downs

Sometimes you must shelter from intervals of rain


Intervals of rain intervals of rain

No sky stays forever dry

Intervals of rain intervals of rain

Bring tears to clear your eye


Remember the people suffering out ...

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cloudseyegraveintervals of rainsilver liningsuntears

Sins Of The Fathers

In those eyes, tears do brim

All a-quiver are your lips

I've done wrong again

The latest of many slips


I rack my brains for reasons

Did I omit my morning kiss?

Or fail to hail your daily bloom?

What critical need did I miss?


As the baby's due next month

I'm watching my p's and q's

Skating on thin eggshells

Pandering to your mute clues


Then it dawn...

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sine of the fatherstearseyeslipsbrainskissclues


As I recall, you cried the first night we met

I found it unusual though charming

Soon it became clear you cried too easily

That daily weep was something alarming


Tears should be for special occasions

Justified by unmitigated joy or grief

Not turned on like a tap by ephemera

But controlled, orderly and brief


I decided to give you something to cry at

Began to roa...

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Victory Won!

It's May 8,  nineteen forty-five, 
What a happy, giddy, glorious time, 
with the end of the war in Europe 
and peace around the corner! 
The war years are a blur of memories.

We remember the dark days, bleak months
when France was overrun and England stood alone 
against the onslaught of Nazi oppression, 
with the miracle of Dunkirk and the Battle of Britain.
Soon Germany attacked Russi...

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for each life lost

a broken heart for friends,

a sadness that never goes away

but gnaws at nerves and silent moments

 the desolate times of memory cast hurt shadows

dancing on the twilight walls at the edge of your vision

a friend’s laughter that bonded like mortar holds together bricks

 those happy tears can also flow in torrents in a recolle...

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concrete poetryday 9griefhopeloseenapowrimo2020sadnesstears

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