The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 18 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Paper Friends


Leaving seems so hard

Until you actually leave


The peculiar truth is

Leaving feels ludic, orphic, majestic

Leaving the places which seemed to matter

Leaving the paper people I once met

Leaving, forgiving & moving forward


What a trouvaille I encountered

To leave the paper connection

Leaving them as they are, incomplete & rustic

Leaving them in the ocean ...

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Love is...

Love is peace

That burns with desire,

The passion can char your soul.

Love is free

And the payment required,

To give and to embrace a soul


Love is blind

It sees into your heart

At the kindness, the beauty within. 

Love is hope

That despairs when we part

And yearns for your arms to return


Love is calm

It torments the head

It breaks and it shatters...

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Mirror of perception

'Mirror mirror on the wall,
Who is the ugliest of them all'.
Hearing the answer gotten so sad,
For the looks of it, he was not so bad.
Seeing himself ugly in every face,
But it was just his perception not the case.
Thinking of this day and night,
Forgetting the beauty was not in the face but inside.

Again giving himself a chance, he gathered courage.
Asking one more question, like a sag...

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mirrorperspectiveperceptionsadhappyuglybeautifulinner beauty

Good Night

The gentle tingle of your electric finger down my spine

The wistful sigh of warm breath

The glow of deep soft lamplight and the

Caress of fresh clean sheets.


You tangle yourself up in me.

Our fingers twirl playfully, our heartbeats 

In rhythm. Ba doom, ba doom.

I feel a trickle of uncomfortable sweat down my clavicle, but the thereness outweighs my overheating body. 



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Futures gambled on heavy hearts

Permit the love that binds them

Troubled eyes, in search of parts

Left down and abandoned behind them

Loose lives, abridged by callous remarks

Contain the passion inside them 

But scorned and lost, again we start

Ascend as one. Together. Defy them!


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The leaves of the tree

Behind the house of glass are falling

With each step of the wind

They liberate themselves from the branches

From the complexity of the connections

Connection of the root with the trunk

Of the trunk with the branches

Of the branches with the leaves

The leaves liberated themselves

From the connections

From the dependence


The leaves of the ...

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independenceLifeRealrunawaypoemstrongindependentbeautifulfreedomfreepoetrynaturecontrailsskywomanbreakfreehappyliberatedconnectionsismy lifebestbeyourselfselflove



Life is like a train journey,

Passengers keep changing.


Life is like an ocean,

The winds keep on changing


Life is like a desert,

Where weather keep on changing


Life is full of change,

No one and nothing stays the same

There will be ups and downs

People will leave you with painful wounds


But you have to stand up and fight

You have to follow ...

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Why can´t you just be
but not like you
for once

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I woke up today feeling a bit numb

I woke up today feeling like everything will be fine

I woke up today and decided that I was done

I woke up today and cried

Then I looked in the mirror, I said, " Girl you look fine!"

Then another voice said, " Don't you dare give up!"

So I put on a happy face,

And I headed out to find that girl I once was....

Happy. Beautiful. Strong


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self lovebeautybrokenstronghappygodfree

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