The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

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September 2019 Collage Poem: Out of Line


Don’t pick up hitch-hikers

Whether at high noon

Or covered in red petals and blood

Dreaming of American skies


Trusted positions to make you relax

Be careful not to mention the Karma Sutra

Or a mobile phone will ring

Or a bluebird sing


Basildon bonds & lined paper

Snowflakes fall between the lines, melting


Oh Walter, dear husband of mine

Stiff as...

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collage poemout of lineseptemberStockport WOL

April 2019 Collage Poem: Cleaning the House


Man Ray’s aggravated coffee sneaked

A glance at the new frontier

Thumbs up, India’s best lemonade,

Top of the pops!


An organised death takes Aunt beyond black

Rehydrate the astronaut. The sun approaches.

Whilst cleaning, it’s important to scrub

Behind the fridge.

Catacombs holding rooms in mind of carefully

Packed past chapters.


A bank, some bleach, a b...

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Ekphrastic Visions - February 2019 Collage Poem

Helix barriers all over the world

Riddles flow through digital death traps

What is a man now with no cheap cigars

A mad dead love of afterthoughts gone


Mad Tony's hologram cycles around the

Lanes of South Wales as Alexa 

Shouts "Give us 20 pence!"


Ooh! I can see Winnie the Pooh

In The wardrobe!


The candle, the book, and the wardrobe;

Wet washing and dag...

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Collage PoemEkphrasisFebruaryStockport WOL

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