The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 15 hours. Get details and Enter.

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I wonder

and I wonder if there's someone else that you wish was giving you the attention that I am

and I wonder if you are giving someone else the attention that I wish you would give me

and I wonder why this imbalance follows me

chases me

always always nipping at my heels

and yet somehow manages to also remain

two steps ahead of me

this imbalance of desire

of devotion

of depende...

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Moral Abyss

Meet me in the 

moral abyss, 

the interwebs

of eternal bliss,

where we will 

confirm our love 

with a virtual kiss. 


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so this is it huh?

it hurt so much

to breathe, to think, to laugh

to smile, to worry

to feel

it’s almost like you’ve taken out

all the good parts, the sad parts

leaving me incredibly bare and numb.

i feel restless, raw

open and exposed.

like i have no barriers, no protection

just sitting there with weeping wounds

and a broken heart

brittle as my nails

wrecked and sharply cut


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break updepressionemotionhappinesshurtmood swingsrelationship

Love Seed


To win my heart, cross my roads 

To get my love, you knock my doors 

Let's to start, to earn cruise 

To build a nest within love rose 


Adore you much, looking forward 

To keep in touch, even one word 

Eager to fly, to reach sward 

Where your face, shines on board 


You're the star, you're my sun 

You're in heart, the only one 

Grow love seed, before ge...

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Two waves in the sea 
Two branches of the tree 
Two wings of the bee 
These are you and me 
In everywhere I go 
I keep your love to grow 
All over my heart's show 
Your eyelashes and brow   

Certainly, I can see 
One heart not a three 
Follow me, or feel free 
I got your heart's Key

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The Theater

The Theater

Today, we're together 

Tomorrow, we're apart 

As Cinema .. as the Theater, 

An End for the Start 


Thanks to God for Life 

To work .. earn and learn 

Pray .. to keep Survive 

Happiness to reach and Yearn 


Surely, you're assigned 

For a role to achieve a goal 

Unless you've that mind 

You need to heal your soul

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Practical Woman



“To do or not to do”, her daily instruction 
I should always obey, to avoid reaction 
She believes I'll remain in a weak construction 
Wants to be retained in her falling section 


Eyes, ears and tongue, three sources to act 
Depending on brain, to judge it in the heart 
She is herself leader, no love in her chart 
“Practical in reality”, She said. This is a fact 



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