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loneliness (Remove filter)

It's Easier to Believe

It's easier to believe
I am a child of the most high God
than to live a life of despair.

It's easier to believe
everything happens for a reason
than to question fate.

It's easier to believe
love is everywhere
than to give in to hate.

It's easier to believe
in forgiveness
than remain a victim.

It's easier to believe
in abundant blessings
than mounting problems.

It's easier ...

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Because I can no longer kiss you

no longer feel your skin

beneath my fingers

or hear you in the night

Because I can no longer call you

no longer sound your name

beneath my breath

or hear you whisper soft

Because I could not stop time passing

could not return time's sand

beneath its glass

or heal the wounds of time

Because I could not hold you here

could yet y...

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Five minutes more


Just five minutes more.

Just five more minutes alone, in the quiet

Before I walk through that door

Return to the noise

And heed the voices.


Just five more minutes

Before I resume my duties

The chores that are never done

The battles that will never be won.


Just five minutes more to call my own

Before I become once more the exclusive property of cha...

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Deathlonelinesssolitudefive minutes


When I wonder what's wrong
When I think whats going on
A Voice said 'this is what you did
Not much love exists to feed.
Tides will not change the future
Might just believe it, forever
Believed that the eyes I see
Truth in them will set me free.
Taking a huge dose of the drug
Never know what's beneath the rug
Chemical changes inside me
They will not let me be.
Let me be the free bird fl...

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A memory of a small but unforgettable part of London.


Walking down to Camden Lock

with colour and fizz all around

on a warm August day:

narrow boats, top hats and silk scarves,

old pubs, rent boys, spruikers;

The Regent's dark canal,

people-watchers. Music like jewels.

Such is the raucous silence

of loneliness.


Chris Hubbard


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Camdenfizzjewelslonelinessnarrow boatsraucousspruikerstop hats


magic tumbled from his lips as he spoke of love filled promises,

dreaming of the day he'd feel.

empty, he was, the hollowness of his eyes prominent.

he kept his apathy concealed under a veil,

making them believe he felt the opposite.

death, to him, seemed almost.. ideal.


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You're a nice sensation when you are on my lips

I love to touch you with my fingertips

I like the feeling when you are going down

You say nothing, and you never frown


You're tall, slim and as cool as ice

When you touch my cheek it's very nice

Oh love is blind, yet I can see

You're my favourite G and T


Oh my, my, my, my G and T

How I love you ...

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