Past (Remove filter)
A Shattered Rose
A Shattered Rose
The slick cliff'd river smears shiny
blue-green sliding waters
across richly wooded chateau-lands;
hurrying through honey-scarred falaises,
cat-mouthed where toffee sandstones
arced onto sleeping innocents beneath.
A country blessèd and blighted both,
in equal measure (as aeons bequeath)
full with easy money, and its deadly past.
April ...
Tuesday 18th September 2018 1:28 pm
In a year long
I'll be laughing in the hot sun
When this is all gone
In a year long
This will be my song
I'll finally feel strong
Today I might ache
But it will not stay
Tomorrow, I'll be okay
And one day, I pray
It'll go forever away
I'll be laughing in the hot sun
When this is all gone
In a year long
This will be my song
I'll finally feel strong
Yesterday was scary
My head tried to hurt ...
Thursday 13th September 2018 2:04 pm
The Summer of Love
Wandering through the sunlit trees
on grassy bluebell banks, brackened
by the unfurling of softly sensual shoots;
strolling in the tide turn rippling sea
as toes sift soft sea sand, silted
and lost to the advancing wave weft;
striding across bare barren felltop
on sheep shorn Spring sprung sod, surrounded
by haze horizoned hills and hills and hills;
standing by the quie...
Friday 25th May 2018 4:36 pm
Past, Present and Future
Haunted by ghosts from a distant past of mine
that remain hidden from my memory
but lie embedded somewhere in that cerebral mass.
Thinking of a present fraught with dilemma
residing at the forefront of my brain
Fermenting both fear and worry, and causing distress.
Dreaming of a future full of brightness
Floating above my corporeal form
Building and creating a beau...
Monday 9th April 2018 7:57 pm
Cruel Refrain
For again i fall
To his charming call
A trap it may be
Its shine captures me
My heart is eaten out
My feelings headed south
Yet my affection is still his
My torture is his bliss
In his web, i lay
There came a girl one day
Ignorant of the danger
Behind the charms that linger
I could not shout
I could not call out
A fate that echos mine
A victim, next in line
It is like a cru...
Wednesday 4th April 2018 11:49 am
To The Past
{To The Past}
Here's to my
past for the
one's who
thought they
knew me well
I can actually
say to you that
you can kiss my
ass and please
go straight to
hell for the
last and final
damn time
©Tina Glover All Rights Reserved/ One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer 2017 but posting here on February 26,2018
Tuesday 27th February 2018 3:40 am
So Unpredictable
So unpredictable.
So sharp and so cunning
Is the pain that run through me,
Hideous yet so stunning.
I want to keep it here,
I want to feel it's cold aching
Blood spilling from me
My heart is still breaking
What if I want it to stop?
Please, leave me alone!
It'll be there. Waiting.
For me to decay down to bones.
Maybe that's what I wa...
Thursday 15th February 2018 9:55 pm
He did wrong
One time, that was all she needed to prove her right
Forgave him on the outside
On the inside, he was concentrated
Their home became a jail
Not forgetting what seemed like yesterday
But years old
She sang the song, oh I forgive you
But reminded him
You are stuck with what you you’ve done
But, he asked you to forgive, as she did
He proposed hoping to st...
Friday 2nd February 2018 4:06 pm
The way, she did to me
Is the way I did to her
The way, where hearts broke
The way,
I will never return to
The way where
Sun used to long last
The days spent in the past
Still, when thy feeling arises
My day neither sets, nor rises
Saturday 13th January 2018 11:58 am
Assumption is blind
Not knowing what is happening on the other side
The phone doesn’t ring, as he is off the hook and not responding
He doesn’t say what is wrong
Cant send a message as he won’t look to the sky
We’ve been here before
Infected by our new feelings
Bacteria is spreading
Are we making ourselves sick; when we return to the same situation
Not recovering and using past vaccine
Thursday 11th January 2018 4:12 pm
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