politics (Remove filter)
How to get everything you ever wanted
Invent a war.
Something bloody and fratricidal.
Lose an uncle to barrel bombs
a brother to secret police.
Three years in, flee.
Pack only what you can carry:
clothes, smartphone, children, cash.
Slip away at night, in silence.
Take your leave of the flat, bakery, office,
rubble-filled streets where the kids once ran
shell of the cafe where old men
drank qahwa, played she...
Monday 21st December 2015 4:59 pm
this will be a re-run
it’ll be the comfort of the saturday afternoons of your childhood
sat in front of the TV with bread and dripping
watching John Wayne set the world to rights with a gun
it’ll be Kenneth More on tin legs reaching for the sky
with a re-mix of stirring music Vaughan Williams would kill for
it’ll be a tearjerker in the final reel
where you know the hero’s going to die
but his girl will remember ...
Tuesday 1st December 2015 4:14 pm
comrade osborne and the little red book
comrade osborne and the little red book
The chancellor’s autumn statement
and McDonnell’s quoting Mao!
It’s a joke. A jest. A jolly jape
to illustrate just how
George is selling off our assets
to global profiteers
and the Chinese state is buying up
the things which we hold dear
while the media says... nothing
a conspiracy of silence
on illiterate economics
and structural state viol...
Thursday 26th November 2015 10:02 pm
As the sun peeps out
over misty morning hills
and the dawn chorus calls
with its piercing shrill,
the demons of the night
skulk slowly away,
a sidelong glance
at the few who got away.
He rises and stretches
and with sleepy eyes,
breathes a sigh of relief
and a laughing surprise.
The nightmare lingers
in his foggy mind
until a final shiver
leaves th...
Wednesday 15th July 2015 4:07 pm
One Man, One Voice
One Man, One Voice.
Thursday 7th May 2015 12:21 pm
Anarchy runs through my bones, A sanctuary, a mind set in stone, No worth in a life without purpose, Enough people around me trying to surplus, Without reason or must. Society isn't run from home, We're fed a diet of lies and bad omens, A curfew on our personal time, Cursing those who brave past the line, Fucking with your mind. Sobriety is harshly overrated, When the priority is to...
Saturday 2nd May 2015 6:16 am
The Country's Shame
They had never given anything to anyone,
They had never built or created anything,
They were only stealing each divine day,
Forgetting to ask the forgiveness or pray.
Belaboring each other they shame the nation.
They can only vote and discuss with passion,
Not lifting their gorged asses from chairs,
The antisocial, immoral laws of aggression,
Ignoring people’s groans, tears...
Tuesday 24th February 2015 8:26 pm
The Country's Shame
They had never given anything to anyone,
They had never built or created anything,
They were only stealing each divine day,
Forgetting to ask the forgiveness or pray.
Belaboring each other they shame the nation.
They can only vote and discuss with passion,
Not lifting their gorged asses from chairs,
The antisocial, immoral laws of aggression,
Ignoring people’s groans, tears...
Tuesday 24th February 2015 8:26 pm
Last Hope Of Redemption
Colour me deeply in high tension blue,
like the power lines that hang over you,
show the charred remnants of fleshy pink
which hint at what washed away in the sink.
Days of weeks and weeks of days pass by,
all I can do is cling on until I cease to cry,
knowing that pain is a way of life for too many,
lost souls all searching for love - is there any?
Take the path ...
Sunday 8th February 2015 10:15 pm
Partly Political Broadcast
Tuesday 27th January 2015 12:49 pm
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