One Man, One Voice.
Today's the day
Politicians take note
That we go to the polls
To cast our vote
I have some thoughts
On this very subject
Some may agree
Whilst others object
"A vote for me"
"Is a vote for change"
Do I look like I'm
Mentally deranged?
There's nothing you can do
Thats not already set out
By the previous government
You have no clout
All you are saying
Is flowery rhetoric
You don't convince me
You're changing politics
You're full of ideals
To appease the voters
The party faithful
And the floaters
But that's all they are
Ideas and notions
But you're like an itch
Soothed with calamine lotion
But I know you are there
Just under my skin
Just making it red
When your lies set in
Because that's what you do
With your feet under the table
You meddle and change
The things that were stable
You bring in new laws
To change the existing
To try to convince us
The world needing fixing
But really it doesn't
We all rub along
We sort out differences
When things go wrong
The campaigning you do
Is on a personal level
Insulting, degrading
And in that you revel
The party policies
Have been cast aside
All of your commentary
Is vicious and snide
You treat politics
Just like a game
For power, self-satisfaction
And monetary gain
We know your secret
You're human, like us
We want to change things
But without this big fuss
We all have a brain
We use everyday
But this sham for politics
Just gets in our way
It's nearly all over
The end is in sight
The counting will start
After ten tonight
My opinion doesn't count
When judged on its own
Put a tick in the box
But, I'm not one man alone.