The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 1 hour. Get details and Enter.

rain (Remove filter)

For An Afternoon

your fingers
shadowed on the grass
the soft
sound of the leaves
in a pass of breath
as it begins
to rain

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In Screaming Rain(Thoughts in the rain)

Laying against the darkest wall,

Memories clogged in contorted shock,

Losing consiousness to everything in all,

Its brightest moments dashing up the clock.


The stars dissolve as the sky swiftly falls,

Balled unto the shredded grass,

A lightened match, then a blow to the flames jaw,

Water sunk in the jeans of my last.


Cladded grief material upon my wrist,

Marks ...

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Self harmsuicidecontemplationrainnaturehatred

Rain Dancers

The window wide open,
I look to the street
And listen to raindrops
Sporadically beat.
The splitter and splatter
Of dancing on slate,
The light slowly dimming,
The time getting late.
They shimmy down drainpipes
And glide down the pane,
Pirouette off the people
Protected from rain,
In waterproof raincoats
With hoods fastened tight,
Like rain is so vicious
With deadliest bite.
But her...

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Damp 1

Damp 1

Out walking to where three valleys meet, past Dovestones, on a drizzly day. Low clouds hugging the hilltops, a grey shroud. Dampness on my skin, I become part of the day. Slowly soaked to the skin, walking with my friend. Earthy smell of wet grass assaulting my senses. Misty weather, a favourite of mine. Time taken away from me, nature’s world grey and grand. My eyes a camera, capturing ...

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outdoorsdovestoneswalkrainbad weather



the air is crackling
with anticipation
a gentle breeze
of humid ghosts
dances through
the open door

thunder rolls
and tumbles
like an epileptic
across the muddy

a still foreboding
settles here amidst a
Tuesday clutter
of unfinished tasks
to watch the growling
climax of the sky

and when it comes
it splashes dark
from the bullet drop
that i...

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electric stormrainthunderforeboding. deluge

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