The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Captured within my Darkness

My darkness is never ending.
My darkness is your greatest fear.
My darkness is something you can't escape.

Although, you can try
to shut out my darkness
with your precious little eyes,
but you silly, poor thing
you've forgotten that I exist there too.

So, please understand
that there is no way out.
That there is no ounce of light
to my darkness you try to run from.

So, stop your ...

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captured within my darknessdepressionno lighthopelessno way out

Actions vs Words

(I've been struggling to show anyone this poem for a long time but I've been inspired to let it free. These feelings are behind me now and it turns out writing was to thank for that afterall)


How does someone stop cutting?
Do they cut into the paper instead?
Replace flesh and blood with diaries and ink,
Replace physicality with mentality,
Replace actions with words,

It isn’t enough.


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Actionsartcopingdepressionemotionalreleaseself harmwordswriting

On Drink

On Drink


I drink like I’m a bastard,

Some say it suits me thus,

A soldiers quarrel with hard knock life,

And feelings bordering gluttonous,


Yet inside of me the clown refrains,

Let’s sorrow evolve its incubus,

Gives depressive daily states of pain;

The tears that bleed for all of us!


Michael J Waite 2nd September 2014.




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Depression Is A Killer

Do you ever feel like you could just scream for eternity
Every thought you cast upon yourself contains pure negativity
People wonder how you can feel so low, but they don’t know,
Reality to you is completely different to that in which they live
Every night you go to bed, you wish that it would be the last
So many sleepless nights you’re plagued by insomnia,
Suicidal tendencies play upon your...

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DepressionAnthony Kasazkaja

No Reason

The day seems a good bit colder now,

Casting blue light through the windows.

And I just don’t seem to have the energy,

To get up—go on—continue.

I know things won’t get better,

I no longer can believe.

Today I found no reason not to leave.


When times were rough in the past,

I had you to keep me strong.

But now my bed seems rather large,

And the nights seem way to...

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Depression Is A Killer

Do you ever feel like you could just scream for eternity
Every thought you cast upon yourself contains pure negativity
People wonder how you can feel so low, but they don't know,
Reality to you is completely different to that in which they live
Every night you go to bed, you wish that it would be the last
So many sleepless nights you're plagued by insomnia,
Suicidal tendencies play upon your...

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Anthony R M AndrewsDepressionEmotion

When All The Laughter Stops

When all the laughter stops, when it abides,
And all the tears of joy begin to dry,
When all the world looks up from aching sides,
And all the breathlessness allows a sigh.

A light, so brightly shining starts to wane,
But hidden out of sight, battles in vain.

When all the smiles are full, when they recede,
And straighten out into a furrowed frown,
When all the life in vibrancy concedes...

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CelebritydeathDepressionLossPoemPoetryRobin WilliamsSuicideTragedy

Dole Q Blues

If I'm the Master of my fate,

Is this all that I could create?

So then, I, Captain of my soul,

Have steered me to a life of dole.

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Insomnia rears its ugly head,
Like an old friend, 
now unwanted.
I stare at the clock,
Heavy eyed,
And wonder,
"Should I sleep now or later?"
For I am not sure anymore,
What is expected
Of a single man,
And I stare at this empty bed,
And miss her body,
And her warmth... And her.


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Long way down

       Long way down

Depression for me is all I know, forever down, forever low
Life is like a bobsleigh ride, get in the rut and down you slide
Faster and faster, the sleigh does fly, 
Always looking forward, To the day you die
Rushing down that maddening slope, all you want,  Is a glimmer of hope
Faster, faster and faster still, down you plummet,  The maddening hill
The speed you travel...

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Tender Hearts!

Tender Hearts




     I prove myself favoured in comedy,

Not even consciously,

Aside from my own wit

There is a clown of a protégé,

Someone for those to howl at,

Someone to grin at

As they pass my ill gait

Walking streets no longer caring,

     And I will never forgive

This curse,

Never forgive the worst

‘They’ made of me!


     My guess is, ...

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ViolenceNeglectChild AbuseDepressionSuicide.

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