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Competition closes in 60 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

winter (Remove filter)

grey sky drinking

I ponder the etiquette of nursing a pint

and whether some might find it impolite

if I made it last just little while longer that I

might watch the rain that crawls on the steamed windows

making broken ghosts of every passer by

each of them eager to avoid

catching the eye of the living and I wonder

which one of them broke winter’s heart such as to make it

so bitter

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Winter's Song

It starts as nothing more than air.

The curl of frozen breath or a

hint of smoke collapsed on the wind

icing latent tress laid bare.

Carried through winter's dark womb

of hard silver frosts. Muted snow

a million silent lights, sharp

in the stiffening cold, a harp-

song of hope. Until suddenly

it's obvious. Obvious like

the moon, full on a cloudless night,

through t...

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written in the dirt

this autumn morning

winter’s aperitif

is served on the rocks

shaken and stirring


come downpour now

unleash your jotting scribe and

cast the showery runes of fables untried

forge scripts along our droughty lanes

of songs for all that yet remain

or wash away those pages brown,

whelm witness to our temporal sway


we’ll listen to the eager eart...

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Winter's debate with spring


So quiet and peaceful

the snow


The monochrome light

shimmering on late

crystaline forms


The seasons



press their agendas


Winter does not wish to


Spring fears

the responsibility of birth


The snow settles quietly

into nightfall.


Morning tells.


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Spring Tanka

A winter bite that

mocks the spring, pincers its cocoon.

A life supported?

Cease one's internal decay,

Even ice melts. Love's fluidity.

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WinterIceSpringThawCocoonMeltLifeMental HealthDepressionAnxietySelf-doubtLoveHonestySelf-beliefSelf-esteemNurturingNurtureSupportSupportingCareCaringLovingConsiderateCompassionCompassionateGrowGrowingPainSufferingLearnLearningDiscoverDiscoveryDiscoveringNaPoWriMo


the sea is rattling bones today

and the wind holds my ears to ransom

for want of a scarf and a hat


she is walking on the promenade

and wants no part of the play


so I am talking to the man on the pier

with the rods and ask

“what’s your game?“



and if he’s lucky


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the small american mammal lied

the coldest nights are the quietest

though the litter chatters around my feet

like the arctic teeth of an almost corpse

and the gas settles close to home

glassy in it’s  welcome


the trees, taut, still brittle of bone,

clench every desperate sinew

as fleshless fingers on a wintered birch

gnarl a carpal tunnel to the council’s moon

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winterwhere is springcoldgloomygroundhog

Winter’s War

Winter’s War 
by, Melissa R. Mendelson

The fog rolls between the war
of winter and sun,
silencing the deafening roar of defeat
as snow becomes rain.
March was always the lion
tearing ground with bitterness,
frost over hope,
but now it’s a leopard
with solar flare spots.
And the fog rolls on
between the divide
of how things were
and how they should be,
but the ti...

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Like a pristine field of snow

you glare back at me and I know

that even with the greatest will

I’ll never get the words to spill

upon your virgin gown.


I want to smudge the ashes of my dreams

upon your frigid, frozen streams

that when the summer sun’s aglow

lap gently with a lazy flow

caressing inspiration from my brow.


My ...

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belly up, seal-suited, booted and solstice shy

the weight under a sickle curved sky-sail, the icicle smile

of a frictionless fear, wears this glass thin but while


wise in countless ways, beyond the power

of n at least, stays wary yet of the sightless beast hidden

behind the curve


above and below 66.5°, you will find your breath tastes


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winterfearendless nightAntarcticIcearctic

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