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The Meeting

Hello readers

 It's that time again and a new Poem is upon us, gone for something very different this time which I'm really happy with. Not usually one for writing Fantasy Romance but this just came to me. Hope you enjoy it.


The Meeting

The moon hung softly in the sky
incandescant behind thinly veiled cloud
he waited beneath the bandstand
the sound of waves brushing the...

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Night & Day


When we walk together we will find
distance never enters our joint mind
for only love will take the path
while we smile and kiss and laugh...
And if we share forty years or one,
know that my love you can depend upon,
while I breathe it will be for you alone,
always hoping to share in our one home...
Warmth floods into my chest whenever I see

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I want to kiss you at midnight - Sir Benjamin character piece

I want to kiss you at midnight - Sir Benjamin poem
by OpenMind on Sunday, 2 September 2012 at 12:21 ·

I want to kiss you at midnight,

feel the wibbly-wobbly ripples of time.

I want to kiss you at midnight

staring deep into your eyes.


Though it may take time,

time is of t...

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LoveNew Years EvePatiencePoetryResolutionRomanceTimeTimelessness



Take my kindest thoughts with you as you dream,
and tomorrow perhaps we can compare the scene,
that those thoughts evoked in you and in me,
if they match then that really is pure poetry...
Another night our thoughts may be in another vein,
I should try taking yours to my pillow and then again,
in the morrow we can then exchange notes to see,
if we are tun...

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We were together after I was alone for so many long awful months; it seems I cope best when I’m happy with a gal. My friend Karen sees this, anyhow you left me after three months and looking back I see we’d of never worked. I saw you a couple of times, one after I’d been on a date with another strange gal in Manchester; I felt rather strange seeing you in town and you looking...

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romancenew gallifesimilar interests





Time stands still in a front room in early ’95.

The telly is on but the sound is off,

All About Eve plays on the stereo,

soft vocal tones and powerful guitar.

The clock says a time but that doesn’t matter

as here it is timeless.

Bev drinks a glass of wine

while I have the rest of the bottle

and a full bottle of Thunderbirds.


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roomhouseromancewinetvmeex wife




Together we go to the nuclear bunker in York.                                                               

You wear red and black how Goth.                                                                          

You’re my pipistrelle bat.                                                                                 

How special is our day out but we hav...

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my karentripyournuclear bunkerladygothloveromance

Wish To Enthrall


My arms will enfold you under soft candle light,
your eyes glow and sparkle as we savour this night,
a time for two people to share as they will,
with many a moment to treasure and thrill.
Two people in love will always seek such times,
away from the world with it's nickels and dimes,
no hunger that they cannot sate in their den,
with a warming log fire a...

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