The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The riot of spring

   Into the riot of the spring

sirens are calling my soul

what the hell is wrong with me?

I feel like I'm a thousand years old


But I've just been a boy

who started a million fires

went down on his knees and then prayed

to catch another glimpse of your face


That day you were wearing a skirt

the day you made my knees shake

all that distant time


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There's Something about April

There’s something about April -
  the way she wears her clothes:
    loosely fit. One button more
      and September is exposed.
        The veil removed, her flesh reveals
          December’s naked trees;
             Springtime lurks behind the bark
               and drags me to my knees.
               I kneel upon her dewy cloak
            And make her moss my bed;

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Changing season

The first sight of red and black

shiny jewel upon leaf and blade.


First buds that promise pastures greener,

an unthreatening breeze that blows gentler.


Coats are lighter colours brighter,

abrasive breaths no longer shocking,


replaced with a pleasant cleansing inhalation.

A heightened sense of promise is delivered,


as birdsong no longer du...

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Spring is here

Spring is here
with blue skies
following us home
from work every night
like a loyal pet dog.


Spring is here
with a rosy twang
in the air
instead of an ice cold shiver
that chills you
to the bone.


Spring is here
with people throwing
their coats over their backs
and opening up
the windows on their cars.


Spring is...

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Crocus Buds



crocus buds burst forth
peep and poke through dunes of white
winter bows to spring

when the sun begins to shine again
life's vital truths made clear at road's end


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Good morning dear daddy,

Good morning dear mum,

Good morning dear Teddy,

It looks the spring has come.


Awakened at the dawn

My dream at once has gone.

I’ve heard the song of starling,

Our feathered friends are coming.


The sparrows are chirping,

The titmouse is whistling,

The starling pours the trills,

The warmth of spring it feels.


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Spring is Coming

Spring is coming

And faces were pressed

Flat against the windows.


Spring is coming

Breathless and touching

From a distance.


Spring is coming

Like a child

Which is deep inside.


Spring is coming

Like a long lost love

As the sun sneaks

Past the windowsill

In the morning.


And over the shoulders

Of your sleeping be...

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eating spring


I have to eat the spring

Gulp down its green life

Bite the buds

Chew on the writhing stalks

Swallow green energy

I have to eat the spring


Winter was a meagre time

An era of starvation

Spring is full and wide and deep

Its promise speaks deliciously to me


I have to eat the spring

Nibbling it won’t be enough

I have to make a banquet...

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blackbird's song


I pull the curtains on the blackbird’s song

The youth of the year’s calling

I’m safe indoors

Stoke up the fire

Let winter last so long

That spring will come

Too late


Too late for me

The blackbird's song

It only brings back a past ache

Let young ears hear the blackbird’s song

As old ears quake


This dusk time is too raw for me


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