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The Samaritans charity's YouTube channel links to my Video poem 'So Sad WAS I'


Wow. I have only just seen that The Samaritans Charity official YouTube channel has favourited the video of my poem 'So Sad WAS I' which I wrote about calling the Samaritans helpline a few years ago. Please click on this link to hear and see it, on the Samaritans Charity Official YouTube channel.
The Samaritans helpline is here 24 / 7
Are you vulnerable? Feeling low?

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vulnerablecharitythe samaritanshelplinepoetrybsafe1stalwayspoempoetJohn Harrisonsuicidle

Daily Libation




Raise again this chalice,
fearsome and seductive;
that brims with venom
and sparkles with promise

that in the twilight beckons...

Raise this goblet
to once satin lips
now runnelled with
bypassed dreams,

you hope but hope in vain...

Gulp down your fill,
wait for forgetfulness still;
let the dregs of this cup
caress your wearied mind,

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My work recognized by the Child Abuse Monument in Canada

The video of my Poem 'Our Silence', my hand print and my Book 'Whispers From Within' that will be placed inside the Child Abuse Monument in Canada, is featured front and centre on the StoryProject page, on the Child Abuse Monuments website. My work has been recognized by them before, and by the main person who created the Monument: a Dr. Michael C. Irving. I was also asked to do a little video ...

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child abuse monumentchild abusepoetpoempoetryJohn Harrisoncanada

confrontational history


if we looked at history
on a multi-plane spreadsheet
and compared the goings on
in each particular era
we shall find that at any given
period, no matter the advancement
there inevitably at a cost lay revealed
atrocities, genocides, discrimination
prejudices, and a lack of conscience
that marks the brute in humans
poets have also been present
ever a...

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Live at the Camden eye, London 3rd July 2011

I did not have live video footage BUT I did do an audio recording which I put to video to share easlily (as usual). I read 'Within ther silence', 'The emptiness of hunger', 'Blooming Vera' (all from my book 'Whispers From Within'), 'Little Beggars' (a new poem) and 'The Missed'.

If you want to find out more, please visit either (if its my writing only you want to see) or...

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the camden eyeline poetryJohn Harrisonpoetpoem

'The heavy hands of time'

The Heavy Hands of Time 


For youth

The clock rarely has hands


For the middle age

It has hands

That starts to spin

Too fast


And for the old

Time weighs heavy

Like all Burdon


Knowing that

Most of your time

Has now gone


Watching the youth

Wishing too

That your clock

Had no hands

To spin so fast



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growingTimeolderpoetryJohn Harrisonpoempoet

-as yet untitled-


outside the window,

an ocean of poppies,

red like denial.


she watched them day-in-day-out,

from sunset to the first shards of sunlight

which crept through their stems

and reflected the underside of their petals.

from this she saw veins, a tiny network of

lines like join-up-the-dots,

a motorway map

thin like emotion.


dadd went to war ...

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poempoetrywarpoetworld war twoworld war 2childrenfamilysoldiers




My crime was being born

For which they punish me for

Yet it is the one thing

I cannot feel guilty about

It could not be my fault

Being born was not my choice

 I obviously was not here

When that choice was made

Yet they punish you for it

Just like everything else

That they do

We are punished

For their crimes and sins

We carry ...

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John Harrisonpoetrypoetpoemchild abuseLiferB safe 1st always

'The Ranting Post'

The Ranting Post

It’s a rant
A post that’s down
Well this post might seem a bit down
But it’s the truth
Recent cases of child abuse
The result for the abuser
The end result for the abused
The never ending result for us
Same old, same old
Like me, like us, like them

You could write a poem about it
We have
You could write a book about it
We have
You could make...

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John Harrisonpoetrypoempoetchild abuse

Live at the UK Rally Against Child Abuse 2010

This was held on the 7th August in Trafalgar Square, London. I read out my poems 'Someone Once', 'Familiar News', 'Within the silence', 'So sad WAS I', 'It was silence NOT defeat' and 'Beyond the silence'. This video is thanks to 'Truth and Hope's YouTube channel (one of the rally organizers). I would like to thank both organizers 'Cross of Change' and 'Truth and Hope' for making sure the event...

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John Harrisonpoetrypoetpoemrallychild abusechild absue rallytrafalgar square

'The Rock'

‘The Rock’

I crawled from under a rock
To be here today
It seems so harsh to say
From so very far away
From my comfort zone
My rock, my home
I was only doing what you wanted
You wanted me to be seen
And not heard
You know it well enough
So it’s not so absurd
But to you it seemed
so easy
You could block me out
Easy peasy
But every now and then
The others heard...

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thepoetjohnbsafe1stalwaysspoken wordpoempoetpoetrythe orckchild abuseJohn HarrisonNAPAC

Live at the Camden eye, London 1st May 2011

Due to health issues and more it is difficult for me to travel out and about, but I make myswelf do it. Its very important t me to spread the word and let others in my position see that sometimes we can do it. 1st May I appeared at The Camden Eye. This was my forth time at this RRRants run event. Like I was saying it takes it out of me, but not enough to stop me arranging to do more, thats the ...

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poetpoempoetryJohn Harrisonspoken wordlive poetrychild absue

'Blooming Vera'

‘Blooming Vera’


Oh Vera
Your soft clear voice
Tells of the white cliffs of Dover
That all shall see
When all this war is over

Oh Vera
Do you remember when
You told us
We will meet again
Don’t know where
Don’t know when
And though many
were laid down to rest
Best of this Island
From you
Oh God bless you
From us
You still hold true

Oh Vera
You s...

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thepoetjohnbsafe1stalwayspoempoetpoetryJohn Harrisonvera lynndame vera lynn.

'But a man'

‘But a man’

If it were, for only birds to see
Through skies, far and wide
Then would we not want to see
Through birds eyes?

If it were only for the horses to gallop
Distances far and wide
And only our limbs could take us there
Could we take that, in our stride?

If it were for only fish to swim
To cross oceans, rivers and waters full
And to sink to their depths of ...

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John Harrisonpoetrypoetpoembsafe1stalwaysthepoetjohnnaturespoken word

'She said / He said'

'She said / He said'

She mocked me
With full intent
Her tongue like a razor
To slice right through me
Attack! Attack!

“This is not Poetry” she said
“It doesn’t even rhyme”
As I turned to her and said

“By your command...
But my inner self
Is not on demand
It’s not as fine
As the grains of sand
But also... not so bland”

She turned
Just like her look

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funnyfunbsafe1stalwaysthepoetjohnpoetpoempoetryJohn Harrisonlight heartedspoken word

'The art of being Lonely'

'The Art of Being Lonely'

Loneliness is Ugly...

Loneliness is a world full of people
Yet still being alone
Loneliness is a room full of people
But never could be further away

Loneliness is finding it hard to say
“I am lonely”
Loneliness is not to be shared
Loneliness is the sharing of it...
But to still be lonely

Loneliness is in an over populated world

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downchild abusepoetpoempoetryJohn Harrisonspoken wordlonelynesslonelyalonedepressionisolatedmental health

'Family Ties'

'Family Ties'

Family ties
Not meant to despise
Not meant to cover the lies

At one time, bringing you together
A thought:
‘It would last forever’

But not in a world of abuse
Deflected, rejected
Used to blame you

Family ties
Ties you up in knots
Oh the pain by them
Soon forgot
Na, na, na, na
Beaten down
So you don’t ...

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spoken wordchild abusepoetpoempoetryJohn Harrison

'Dead Poets' (LIVE)

‘Dead Poets’

They killed them.
They revived the ones they loved
And made dead ones of
Ones they didn’t even know
They mocked the mocking birds
Oh I know it sounds absurd
I thought I was ok
You see
I’m a writer first
But they soon righted that
Lucky I’m not a poet
Poetically I’d be dead
I got this stuff in my head
Sometimes it comes out
I write a story or two

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Spoken wordpoetpoempoetrylive poetryJohn HarrisonDead Poets

My Book 'Whispers From Within'


Hi! just a quick blog about my book 'Whispers From Within' (self published) ISBN: 978-0955810343 and if you would like to find out more, please go to you can also see and hear poetry from there too.

Below are the three reviews on the back cover. But first my own words that are also on the back cover:

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B safe 1st alwayschild neglectchild abusepoetpoemprosepoetryJohn Harrisonbsafe1stalwaysthepoetjohn

'So sad WAS I'

This next piece is from one of the only times I rang a helpline (the Samaritans). It to me expresses the difference helplines can make, and raises awareness of them. Check out the video on my accounts of it too. Its due to be published in the next RRRants anthology.


'So sad WAS I'

I dialled a number
A soft voice spoke
And talked gently
I spoke tentatively at first
But the...

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The SamaritanssuicidehelplinesthepoetjohnJohn Harrisonbsafe1stalwayspoetrypoempoetchild abuse

'The Unwritten Poems'

'The Unwritten Poems'

But that my pen
Wouldn’t speak
If I could tell it so
But twas I
Who wouldn’t let it
Oh if I could read you
All the unwritten poems
Of those other poets you know
I would have words
For every moment of the day
And no moments enough
To begin to say
What those poems...
So wanted too


Copyright John Harrison 2010


Video on YouTub...

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poemSpoken wordpoetThe Unwritten PoemsVideosPoetryJohn Harrisonvideo

Inward Reasons





On a hand-hewn pedestal

imagination coalesced;

on milk-white face alight

eyes sparkle with a liquid flame.


Some build ivory towers,

these hands raw from driven labour,

on scratched cheeks a stricken eye

ransoms a sculpted orphan dream.


Across time and Middle Sea

another calloused hand chiselled;

laughter on a pine-white...

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Musing on the Death of Poetry


when the clack of keyboards cease
and pages of unbound books
scattered by the indolent breeze
produce a melancholy dirge

think of all the unwritten words
that remain stillborn in the mind
much like the gilded pheasant
out of the snare and into the fire



Please make your response or comment on my profile page. Thank you.

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The Silent Quill


a grated gate by midnight's light
once fell upon a sorry sight
as rain washed out the scarlet stain
the skies bowed down to hear the pain

a voice without a body heard
the sordid tale its waist did gird
one witness found, torn leaf by leaf
Creation's glory sank to grief

a tale no word was writ nor said
into the ground the silence bled
a soaked and orphaned qui...

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