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holding on

Broken sensations flood the brain,

attempting analysis would be in vain,

a relentless emotional maelstrom,

wreaking havoc in the mind’s kingdom.


The weather has settled,

a calm both before and after a storm,

stuck in a time loop,

ashen nimbi gather around with scorn.


A shattered refraction pierces the veil,

unveiling islands in various shades of gray,

paths ...

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woman in starbuck's window

woman in a starbuck’s window



woman sits in a starbuck’s window

looking, searching, waiting, watching


is it the thing that watchers

in an  Edward Hopper painting

wait, search, look, watch for


does she know

who she is looking for

who she is searching for

who she is waiting for

who she is watching for


I wonder if the subjects in

Hopper’s pa...

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a Hopper in the making

a Hopper in the making


I photographed

three lonely men drinking coffee

in  a coffee shop


how did I know they were lonely

they were straight out of an

Edward Hopper painting

like the people in “Night Hawks”


the light coming in the windows

reminded me of several of his paintings

of women looking out to bright light

that flowed in but brought no relief


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cafeHopper. nighhawkslonely

Trapped Thoughts

Locked away emotions
I won't let no-one inside
Behind a masked perfection
Is the place I run and hide
Alone I’m always thinking
My mind just fills with dread
Unknotting the confusion
That’s tied up inside my head
Trying to escape thoughts
But I can't find no way out
My eyes are slowly welling
My cries are silenced shouts
I'm looking for the answers
But they just never seem to come

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mindhatesadnessadvicelonelyconfusedLGBTQ poetryhope

Wish You Well -Mental Health Awareness

How can one love someone when one can't love themselves.


Love was never anything they ever gotten or actually felt.


No one to ever check on your heart to make sure it was upkept.


From a child you held on to this misery & it crippled your health.


Afraid to talk about to family, & even friends, & too much pride to get help.


The buil...

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mental healthmental illnesswishing welllonelylonelinessdepressionupsetfeelings

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