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Love (Remove filter)


have you ever experienced
a love 
so strong 
you question your beliefs?

I'm an atheist.
I don't believe in a god
or an afterlife 
this love 
makes me wonder 
if over the course of time
our souls 
have been colliding 
and bonding 
and that's why
is so natural 
between us

I'm not talking about something romantic
but something innocent
for he has touched my hea...

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Only in the dark I see the day.

Only in the dark I see the day.
I see the day when the sky is full of stars.
I see the day were you only hear the wind howling smoothly in my window.
The noises of the animals being alive; 
were you can hear only a little the waves of the ocean...
That's when I think of us more deeply. 
Only in the dark I see my dreams flowing closely,
telling me that dreams could be realities waiting for m...

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bfcouplesfamilygfhappinesshappyheyLovenewpeoplepoetsadsweetwhom you love


Do not mind this mad-ness in me.

It is mindless,
  so give no thought to it.
It is angry,
  so give it no admittance to your heart.

Running without stopping,
you would soon drop from exhaustion.

Run then,
  but further.
Go ahead,
  but faster.

In my hands a loadstone, a dilemma.

Hold fast,
or join you.

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Every moment on Earth,
the sun is somewhere rising.

Wherever you are here, the sun will rise and pass over you, whether you acknowledge it or not.

Rise and pass over,
rise and pass over.

Ice knows it by the melting. Hidden pockets of  quartz-in-rock know it by the warming. I know it by the forgiveness I feel watching sunlight dance across the water.

Every moment on Earth,
the sun is...

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Last Night...

Last night I dreamt I lost you Between oceans of dreams and Storms of thoughts I searched through the waves of panic but Found no trace of you_ My thoughts blank and dark, Oh my dreams…my dreams… So empty Impossible as it seems I fought against my own rage Yelling Refusing to accept… Last night I dreamt I lost you Between the madness and mundane. A sob escaped my lips Evidence of m...

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Cooling Towers

Parking the car
out by the cooling towers
breathe the quiet in
lit by the moon
not going anywhere

Thinking on
all those sad miles behind me...

Remember when we were nineteen
kissing in the back seat
tucked into the kerb
lit by our lust
not going anywhere

Thinking on
all those mad miles behind me...

When we were nineteen
everything was a fire
everything was flame
but everyt...

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Death Is The Only Song

As the sun slowly slides
through a quickly capsizing sky
you laugh at me for taking photographs
for wanting to record this way of things
do you not feel that this is temporary
do you believe there won't be a different way

These are precious moments
these are precious moments
in our short lives

And with each day that ends 
I feel a larger ending
creeping closer
and with each dusk de...

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deathlifelovetimelove and time passing

Earth Treasure

What is that glint

                as the sod breaks and crumbles:

a sparkling hint

                of discovery

                as I dig the dusty summer soil?

This old garden has gained lost treasures

                of man, woman and child for centuries -

                What lies uncovered?


Teased from the clod

                I find a tiny glass heart and this ...

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Burning Desire

Burning Desire


He was a bright spark,

She his old flame,

And when they got together

Fire burned again.


They rubbed together for a while

Blazing hot on tinder,

Burning looks, smouldering smile

Their passion couldn’t hinder.


Soon the hot and fiery pair

Could hold it in no more,

Igniting like a flare,

The furnace began to roar.


They consumed ...

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lovedesire loss

Conversations Heart says to Brain

Conversations heart says to brain
Knock knock
it's H
Let me in
I'm sorry H
I can't open the door
don't want to fall for love anymore
look B
It's different this time
oh yeah
that's what you said the last time
come on B
you gotta learn to open up
not Gonna happen H
if it's the same
then the door stays shut
B how you gonna know
if you don't even try
because H
we gotta learn
we got...

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One Moment

I fell for you.

I loved you.

I opened my heart and soul to your infinite worlds of possibility.

I touched you.

I held you.

I felt safe and secure in the sacred silence of your arms.

But you were scared.

You were closed.

Meeting every tender word with thought rather than feeling.

You could have been the one,

But now you're just one moment.

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loveBroken heartsLoversLustPain

i know!

i know that it's gonna be alright

i know, that at one point i won't have to fight

i know, that there is gonna be day, when i won't think of you

i know, i wont cry a tear, even a few

i know, that i will laugh harder than ever

and only feel better and better

and for the most, i know, that i am going to love

even more than i loved you

only at this time

i will be loved back ...

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lovepainhurtlove hurts

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