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Filtered Memories

Back seat kisses, 

backyard volleyball,


long walks in the woods, 

sunbathing on the beach, 

smiling, laughing,

talking for hours, 

holding hands, 

slow dancing to George Straight songs,

making love until dawn, 

falling asleep in each other’s arms...

Filtered memories, 

behind the sheer curtain of my mind,

or fantasies, 

found in a bottle

of ...

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Resilient Soul

The past is haunting:
  heartbreaking memories, 
  unbearable loss, 
  scars, seeping wounds.

The present is daunting:
  deadly viruses, illness, disease, 
  affecting everything - livelihood, 
  relationships, life. 

The future is uncertain:
  climate change, 
  conspiracy theories, 
  political upheaval, 
  civil unrest. 

We ask why:
  amid confusion, 
  gleaning truth from ...

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Full Moon Rising

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in.” ~ Leonard Cohen 


Halloween frightens my inner child

who is afraid of masked men,

being alone in the dark,

daggers to the heart,

a body aging too soon,

eternal suffering... 

but the hollow night

gives way to a full moon rising

and a million stars to wish upon,

ushered by angels beaming light


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Shall We Dance

Ah, the magic of night 

when obligations are over, 

another adulting day in the books. 


I rest my weary body, 

set my boggled mind free 

with a little poetry...


Your words await

like a teen with a corsage

to take me to the prom,

where we twist and twirl

under twinkling dollar store stars

and a paper moon.


Happy memories pop up

among technicolor...

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