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January (Remove filter)

January 2020 Collage Poem: Famous People I've Never Met

In the new dawn of dreams

Adolf sits on his final throne of dirt dug deep,

Wondering if the English Bard would have loved him so,


Don’t go down that street!


We are wild-walking beings with a side of dark heart.

Sheep have beautiful contours and very furry


Hurry up Steinbeck, you’re rambling

Sitting on tailored lawns through polished glass

Not as cool in old b...

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Collage PoemFamous People I've never MetJanuaryStockport WoL

January 2018 Collage Poem: A New Life I

Birds in nests, delicate bluebells

Thrive in demanding abundance


Nature takes its course

As the animals go wild

Overcoming your insecurities

Whether swimming in lakes or crossing gateposts

Catching ghosts in the shadows

But you must let them go.


Run through the wind

And John said "Oh dear! Oh dear!"


Lozenge lawns running through the winds


He is ...

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Collage PoemJanuaryNew LifeStockport

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